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There are 12 words ending with DIALLY

MEDIALLYmedially adv. In or relating to the middle.
medially adv. (Anatomy) In a medial direction or location; near or along the midline.
medially adv. (Anatomy) In a medial direction or location; nearer or toward the midline.
RADIALLYradially adv. In a radial manner, outward from a center.
RADIAL adv. having rays or spokes diverging from the centre.
CORDIALLYcordially adv. In a cordial, warm or friendly manner.
CORDIAL adv. genial.
PRANDIALLYprandially adv. With a meal.
PRANDIAL adv. of or relating to a meal.
REMEDIALLYremedially adv. In a remedial manner.
REMEDIAL adv. affording a remedy, also REMEDIAT, REMEDIATE.
SYMPODIALLYsympodially adv. (Botany) In a sympodial manner.
SYMPODIAL adv. relating to a sympodium, a stem involved in sympodial growth.
MONOPODIALLYmonopodially adv. By means of a monopodium.
MONOPODIAL adv. having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birchen twig or a cornstalk.
PRIMORDIALLYprimordially adv. In a primordial manner.
primordially adv. With regard to a primordium.
PRIMORDIAL adv. original, rudimentary.
INTERRADIALLYinterradially adv. In an interradial manner.
INTERRADIAL adv. between radii or rays.
INTRACARDIALLYintracardially adv. Within the heart.
INTRACARDIAL adv. within the heart.
POSTPRANDIALLYpostprandially adv. In a postprandial manner; after a meal; especially, after dinner.
SYNARTHRODIALLYsynarthrodially adv. By means of synarthrosis.
SYNARTHRODIAL adv. of, relating to, or being a synarthrosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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