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There are 19 words ending with DERMIC

BLASTODERMICblastodermic adj. Of or pertaining to the blastoderm.
BLASTODERMIC adj. of or like a blastoderm.
DERMICdermic adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the dermis or skin.
DERMIC adj. relating to the derm or skin, also DERMAL, DERMATIC.
ECTODERMICectodermic adj. (Biology) Of or relating to the ectoderm.
ECTODERMIC adj. of or relating to the ectoderm, also ECTODERMAL.
ENDERMICendermic adj. (Medicine) Acting through the skin, or by direct application to the skin.
ENDERMIC adj. acting by absorption through the skin.
ENDODERMICendodermic adj. (Biology) Of or relating to the endoderm; endodermal.
ENDODERMIC adj. of or pertaining to the endoderm, also ENDODERMAL.
ENTODERMICentodermic adj. Entodermal.
ENTODERMIC adj. relating to the entoderm, the innermost basic layer of tissue in those animals with true tissues, also ENTODERMAL.
EPIDERMICepidermic adj. Of or pertaining to the epidermis or to the skin or bark.
EPIDERMIC adj. of or pertaining to the epidermis, also EPIDERMAL.
HYPODERMIChypodermic adj. Of, or relating to the hypodermis, the layer beneath the dermis.
hypodermic n. A hypodermic syringe, needle or injection.
HYPODERMIC adj. of or pertaining to the parts under the skin.
INTRADERMICintradermic adj. Synonym of intradermal.
INTRADERMIC adj. situated or done within or between the layers of the skin, also INTRADERMAL.
LEUCODERMICleucodermic adj. White-skinned, Caucasian; pale.
LEUCODERMIC adj. relating to leucoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMAL, LEUKODERMAL.
LEUKODERMICLEUKODERMIC adj. relating to leukoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMIC.
MESODERMICmesodermic adj. Of or relating to the mesoderm.
MESODERMIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, the mesoderm, also MESODERMAL.
PACHYDERMICpachydermic adj. (Medicine) Characterized by or characteristic of pachydermy.
pachydermic adj. Pertaining to the obsolete taxonomic order Pachydermata.
pachydermic adj. Pertaining to or involving elephants.
PERIDERMICperidermic adj. Relating to the periderm.
PERIDERMIC adj. relating to the periderm, the outer layer of bark, also PERIDERMAL.
PYODERMICpyodermic adj. Relating to or characteristic of pyodermas.
PYODERMIC adj. of or like pyoderma, any skin disease resulting in pustules and/or pus.
SCLERODERMICsclerodermic adj. (Zoology) Having the integument, or skin, hard or covered with hard plates.
sclerodermic adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Sclerodermata.
SCLERODERMIC adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
TAXIDERMICtaxidermic adj. Pertaining to taxidermy.
TAXIDERMIC adj. relating to taxidermy, also TAXIDERMAL.
XERODERMICxerodermic adj. Relating to or exhibiting xeroderma.
XERODERMIC adj. dry-skinned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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