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There are 16 words ending with DURE

DUREdure v. (Archaic, intransitive) To last, continue, endure.
dure adj. (Archaic) hard; harsh; severe; rough.
DURE v. (obsolete) to endure, last.
ENDUREendure v. (Intransitive) To continue or carry on, despite obstacles or hardships; to persist.
endure v. (Transitive) To tolerate or put up with something unpleasant.
endure v. (Intransitive) To last.
OBDUREobdure adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of obdurate.
obdure v. (Obsolete) To harden.
OBDURE v. to harden, also OBDURATE.
ORDUREordure n. Dung, excrement.
ordure n. (By extension) Dirt, filth.
ordure n. (By extension) Something regarded as contaminating or perverting the morals; obscene material.
BORDUREbordure n. (Heraldry) A contrasting border around a shield.
BORDURE n. a border surrounding a heraldic shield.
OUTDUREoutdure v. (Transitive, obsolete) To endure beyond; to outlast.
OUTDURE v. (obsolete) to outlast.
PERDUREperdure v. (Intransitive) To continue to exist, last or endure, especially for a great length of time.
perdure v. (Intransitive, philosophy) To exist in such a way as to possess distinct temporal parts (in perdurantism).
PERDURE v. to continue to exist.
RONDURErondure n. (Countable) A graceful curvature or round object; a ring; a sphere.
rondure n. (Uncountable) The quality of being round; roundness.
RONDURE n. (Shakespeare) a gracefully rounded curvature, also ROUNDURE.
VERDUREverdure n. The greenness of lush or growing vegetation; also: the vegetation itself.
verdure n. (By extension) A condition of health and vigour.
verdure v. (Transitive) To cover with verdure.
COENDUREcoendure v. (Intransitive) Alternative form of co-endure.
coendure v. (Transitive) Alternative form of co-endure.
co-endure v. (Intransitive) To endure alongside someone or something, to coexist over time.
ROUNDUREroundure n. (Obsolete) roundness.
roundure n. (Obsolete) A round or circle.
ROUNDURE n. roundness; a round or circle, also RONDURE.
ENGENDUREENGENDURE n. (archaic) the act of engendering, also ENGENDRURE.
PROCEDUREprocedure n. A particular method for performing a task.
procedure n. A series of small tasks or steps taken to accomplish an end.
procedure n. (Uncountable) The set of established forms or methods of an organized body for accomplishing a certain task or tasks.
REIOYNDUREREIOYNDURE n. (Shakespeare) a rejoindure, a joining again, also REJOINDURE.
REJOINDURErejoindure n. (Obsolete) The act of joining again.
REJOINDURE n. the act of joining again, also REIOYNDURE.
SUPERSEDUREsupersedure n. The act of superseding.
supersedure n. The replacing of an old queen bee by a new one.
SUPERSEDURE n. the act of superseding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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