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There are 9 words ending with DORA

FEDORAfedora n. A felt hat with a fairly low, creased crown with a brim that can be turned up or down.
FEDORA n. a felt hat with a brim and a crease.
BANDORAbandora n. Alternative spelling of bandura.
BANDORA n. (Spanish) an ancient lute, also BANDORE, PANDORA, PANDORE, PANDURA.
MANDORAmandora n. (Music) A type of bass string instrument.
MANDORA n. (Italian) an early type of mandolin, also MANDOLA.
PANDORApandora n. Any fish of the genus Pagellus.
Pandora prop.n. (Greek mythology) The first woman on earth, who had been given a box by the gods and instructed not…
Pandora prop.n. (Astronomy) A moon of the planet Saturn.
RHODORArhodora n. Rhododendron canadense, a deciduous flowering shrub native to northeastern North America.
RHODORA n. a North American azalea, bearing rose-purple flowers before the leaves.
ANTIDORAantidora n. Plural of antidoron.
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
MATADORAmatadora n. A female matador.
MATADORA n. a female matador.
MAQUILADORAmaquiladora n. An assembly plant in Mexico owned by a company from the United States or another foreign country, using…
MAQUILADORA n. (Spanish) a manufacturing plant in Mexico that produce parts for assembly in the United States, also MAQUILA.
REJONEADORAREJONEADORA n. (Spanish) a female rejoneador, a mounted bullfighter who uses rejones, a lance with a wooden handle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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