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There are 10 words ending with DOOR

BACKDOORbackdoor n. Alternative spelling of back door, which can be used attributively.
backdoor v. Alternative spelling of back door.
back␣door n. A subsidiary entrance to a building or house at its rear, normally away from the street.
BATTLEDOORbattledoor n. Alternative form of battledore.
BATTLEDOOR n. (obsolete) a light bat for striking a shuttlecock, also BATTLEDORE.
DOORdoor n. A portal of entry into a building, room, or vehicle, typically consisting of a rigid plane movable on…
door n. Any flap, etc. that opens like a door.
door n. (Immigration) An entry point.
INDOORindoor adj. Situated in, or designed to be used in, or carried on within, the interior of a building.
INDOOR adj. pertaining to the interior of a building.
MAINDOORMAINDOOR n. the principal door of an establishment.
NEXTDOORnextdoor adj. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of next-door.
nextdoor adv. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of next-door.
next-door adj. That occupies an adjacent place, especially the building immediately to the left or right.
OUTDOORoutdoor adj. Situated in, designed to be used in, or carried on in the open air.
outdoor adj. Pertaining to charity administered or received away from, or independently from, a workhouse or other institution.
outdoor v. (In some African communities) To publicly display a child after it has been named.
PANDOORpandoor n. Alternative form of pandour.
PANDOOR n. one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army, also PANDOUR.
TANDOORtandoor n. A cylindrical clay oven used, in the cuisine of the Caucasus, Middle East, and Indian subcontinent…
TANDOOR n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOORI.
TRAPDOORtrapdoor n. A hinged or sliding door set into a floor or ceiling.
trapdoor n. (Theater) Such a trap set into the floor of a stage to allow fast exits and entrances.
trapdoor n. (Computing) A secret method of obtaining access to a program or online system; a backdoor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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