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There are 4 words ending with DEON

MELODEONmelodeon n. (Historical, music) A type of reed organ with a single keyboard.
melodeon n. (Music) An accordion where the melody-side keyboard is limited to the notes of diatonic scales in a…
melodeon n. (Historical, US) A music hall.
NICKELODEONnickelodeon n. Alternative letter-case form of Nickelodeon.
Nickelodeon n. (Historical) A small, rudimentary movie theater that charged five cents for admission, popular in North…
Nickelodeon n. A coin-operated player piano, often elaborated with percussion, banjos, bells, whistles, and other musical…
ODEONodeon n. An ancient Greek or Roman building used for performances of music and poetry.
odeon n. A theatre or concert hall.
Odeon prop.n. Any of several ancient Greek and Roman buildings built for musical activities.
PROPODEONpropodeon n. Alternative form of propodeum (“abdominal segment in bees etc.”).
PROPODEON n. in some Hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment, also PROPODEUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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