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There are 11 seven-letter words ending with DATE

AIRDATEairdate n. The date on which a television or radio program is broadcast.
AIRDATE n. the scheduled date of a broadcast.
CAUDATEcaudate adj. (Botany) Tapering into a long, tail-like extension at the apex.
caudate adj. (Zoology) Having a tail.
caudate adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Caudata order of amphibians.
CORDATEcordate n. (Philosophy) Any animal with a heart.
cordate n. (Archaeology) A heart-shaped hand axe.
cordate n. Misspelling of chordate.
DEODATEdeodate n. (Obsolete) A gift or offering to God.
deodate n. (Obsolete) A gift from God.
DEODATE n. (obsolete) a gift to or from God.
EXUDATEexudate n. A fluid that has exuded from somewhere; especially one that has exuded from a pore of an animal or plant.
exudate v. (Obsolete) To exude.
EXUDATE n. an exuded substance.
GRADATEgradate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To change imperceptibly from one gradation of tone etc. to another.
gradate v. (Transitive) To arrange in order of grades.
gradate v. (Transitive, chemistry) To bring to a certain strength or grade of concentration.
MANDATEmandate n. An official or authoritative command; an order or injunction; a commission; a judicial precept; an authorization.
mandate n. (Politics) The order or authority to do something, as granted to a politician by the electorate.
mandate n. (Canada) A period during which a government is in power.
MISDATEmisdate n. A wrong date.
misdate v. (Transitive) To date incorrectly; to mark with the wrong date.
MISDATE v. to date incorrectly.
OUTDATEoutdate adj. (Britain, rare) old-fashioned, out of date; outdated.
outdate v. To make obsolete or out of date.
OUTDATE v. to make out-of-date.
OXIDATEoxidate v. (Dated, chemistry) To oxidize.
oxidate n. (Dated, chemistry) An oxide.
OXIDATE v. to combine with oxygen, also OXIDISE, OXIDIZE.
PREDATEpredate v. To designate a date earlier than the actual one; to move a date, appointment, event, or period of time…
predate v. (Transitive) To exist or to occur before something else; to antedate.
predate n. A publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, that is issued with a printed date later than the date of issue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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