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There are 15 six-letter words ending with DDIE

BADDIEbaddie n. (Informal) A person of bad character, especially in a work of fiction.
baddie n. (Neologism, slang) An attractive, confident woman, especially one who is a social media influencer.
BADDIE n. a bad person, also BADDY.
CADDIEcaddie n. (Golf) A golfer’s assistant and adviser.
caddie n. Alternative form of cadie (“Scottish errand boy”).
caddie v. (Intransitive) To serve as a golf caddie.
CUDDIECUDDIE n. (Gaelic) a young coalfish, also CUDDEN, CUDDIN, CUDDY.
DUDDIEDUDDIE adj. (Scots) ragged, also DUDDY.
DUDDIE n. a friend, a chum.
HADDIEhaddie n. (Dialect) A haddock.
HADDIE n. (Scots) a haddock.
KIDDIEkiddie n. (Slang, often attributive) A child.
Kiddie prop.n. A surname from Scottish Gaelic.
KIDDIE n. (colloquial) a child.
LADDIEladdie n. (Scotland, Northumbria) A small boy.
LADDIE n. a lad.
MIDDIEmiddie n. (Nautical, slang) a midshipman.
middie n. (Australia) A measure of 285 ml (10 fl oz) of beer; a pot.
MIDDIE n. a medium sized beer glass, larger than a pony, smaller than a schooner, also MIDDY.
PODDIEPODDIE n. an iPod user.
SADDIEsaddie n. (Informal) Something or someone sad.
saddie n. (Informal) Someone who lives a boring, unfulfilling or sad life.
saddie n. (Informal) A sad movie or TV show; a tearjerker.
SODDIEsoddie n. (US, Canada, informal) A house constructed from blocks of sod, once common in the prairies of the United…
SODDIE n. a house built of sod, also SODDY.
TADDIEtaddie n. Alternative form of taddy (“tadpole”).
TADDIE n. (Australian slang) a tadpole.
TEDDIETeddie prop.n. A diminutive of the male given names Edward and Theodore, or of their diminutives Ted and Tedd. Alternative…
TEDDIE n. an item of woman's underwear, also TEDDY.
WADDIEwaddie n. Alternative spelling of waddy.
WADDIE n. (Native Australian) a kind of war-club used by Australian aborigines, also WADDY.
WIDDIEWIDDIE n. (Scots) a rope, esp. one made of osiers; a hangman's noose, also WIDDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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