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There are 18 words ending with DOW

DOWdow v. (Obsolete) To be worth.
dow v. (Obsolete) To be of use, have value.
dow v. (Obsolete) To have the strength for, to be able to.
ENDOWendow v. (Transitive) To give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution)…
endow v. (Transitive) Followed by with, or rarely by of: to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality.
endow v. (Transitive) Usually in the passive: to naturally furnish (with something).
INDOWindow v. Obsolete spelling of endow.
INDOW v. to bequeath, also ENDOW.
WIDOWwidow n. A woman whose spouse has died (and who has not remarried); feminine of widower.
widow n. (Uncommon) A person whose spouse has died (and who has not remarried).
widow n. (Informal, in combination) A woman whose husband is often away pursuing a sport, etc.
MEADOWmeadow n. A field or pasture; a piece of land covered or cultivated with grass, usually intended to be mown for hay.
meadow n. Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rivers and in marshy places by the sea.
Meadow prop.n. A town in Texas.
SHADOWshadow n. A dark image projected onto a surface where light (or other radiation) is blocked by the shade of an object.
shadow n. Relative darkness, especially as caused by the interruption of light; gloom; obscurity.
shadow n. A area protected by an obstacle (likened to an object blocking out sunlight).
WINDOWwindow n. An opening, usually covered by one or more panes of clear glass, to allow light and air from outside…
window n. An opening, usually covered by glass, in a shop which allows people to view the shop and its products…
window n. (Architecture) The shutter, casement, sash with its fittings, or other framework, which closes a window opening.
REENDOWreendow v. To endow again.
REENDOW v. to endow again.
BESHADOWbeshadow v. (Transitive) To cast a shadow around, about, or over; overshadow.
BESHADOW v. to cast a shadow on.
DISENDOWdisendow v. To deprive of an endowment.
DISENDOW v. to deprive of endowment.
ROWDEDOWrowdedow n. Alternative form of rowdydow.
ROWDEDOW n. an uproar, also ROWDYDOW.
ROWDYDOWrowdydow n. (Archaic) hubbub; uproar.
ROWDYDOW n. hubbub; uproar, also ROWDEDOW.
ROWDYDOW v. to make a hullabaloo.
UNSHADOWunshadow v. (Transitive) To free from shadow; to allow to become illuminated.
unshadow v. (Transitive, computing) To combine (a password file) with its corresponding "shadow file" in order to…
UNSHADOW v. to remove from shadow, clear of shadow.
EYESHADOWeyeshadow n. Alternative spelling of eye shadow.
eye␣shadow n. Makeup that is applied to the eyelids and below the eyes to give a darker complexion there.
EYESHADOW n. a coloured cosmetic for the eyelids.
FORESHADOWforeshadow v. (Transitive) To presage, or suggest something in advance.
FORESHADOW v. to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand.
OVERSHADOWovershadow v. (Transitive) To obscure something by casting a shadow.
overshadow v. (Transitive) To dominate something and make it seem insignificant.
overshadow v. (Transitive) To shelter or protect.
SHOPWINDOWshopwindow n. Alternative form of shop window.
shop␣window n. A large window at the front of a shop, behind which items for sale are displayed.
SHOPWINDOW n. a display window of a store.
MULTIWINDOWmultiwindow adj. (Computing, graphical user interface) Involving or permitting multiple windows at the same time.
MULTIWINDOW adj. having many windows.
MULTIWINDOW n. a multiwindow television set or monitor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 135 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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