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There are 9 seven-letter words ending with DOR

CHADDORchaddor n. Alternative form of chador.
CHADDOR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDAR, CHADOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
HUMIDORhumidor n. A container designed to keep its contents at a constant humidity; especially such a box for storing cigars.
HUMIDOR n. (Latin) a humid place for storing cigars etc.
IMPEDORIMPEDOR n. an electrical component, such as a capacitor or resistor, that offers impedance.
MALODORmalodor n. An offensive odor.
MALODOR n. an offensive odor, also MALAROMA, MALODOUR.
MATADORmatador n. (Bullfighting) The person whose aim is to kill the bull in a bullfight.
matador n. (Uncountable) A certain game of dominoes in which four dominoes (the 4-3, 5-2, 6-1, and double blank)…
matador n. (Card games) The jack of clubs, or any other trump held in sequence with it, in the game of skat.
MIRADORmirador n. (Architecture) a tower that offers a panoramic view.
MIRADOR n. (Spanish) a belvedere or watchtower.
PARADORparador n. A simple hotel or bed and breakfast in Spanish-speaking countries.
PARADOR n. (Spanish) a building such as a convent converted to a hotel.
PICADORpicador n. (Bullfighting) A lancer mounted on horseback who assists a matador.
PICADOR n. (Spanish) a matador's assistant, a mounted bullfighter with a lance.
STRIDORstridor n. A harsh, shrill, unpleasant noise.
stridor n. (Medicine) A high-pitched sound heard on inspiration resulting from turbulent air flow in the upper…
STRIDOR n. (Latin) a harsh shrill sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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