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There are 13 words ending with CRITICAL

ACRITICALacritical adj. Not critical.
acritical adj. Not involving a crisis.
ACRITICAL adj. not critical.
CRITICALcritical adj. Inclined to find fault or criticize.
critical adj. Pertaining to, or indicating, a crisis or turning point.
critical adj. Extremely important.
DIACRITICALdiacritical adj. Capable of distinguishing or of making a distinction.
diacritical adj. Of, pertaining to, or serving as a diacritic.
diacritical n. A diacritic (mark).
HYPERCRITICALhypercritical adj. Meticulously or excessively critical.
HYPERCRITICAL adj. meticulously or excessively critical.
HYPOCRITICALhypocritical adj. Characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite.
HYPOCRITICAL adj. characterized by hypocrisy, also HYPOCRITIC.
NONCRITICALnoncritical adj. Not critical.
non-critical adj. Alternative form of noncritical.
NONCRITICAL adj. not critical.
ONEIROCRITICALoneirocritical adj. Of or relating to the interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROCRITICAL adj. of, relating to or specializing in the interpretation of dreams.
OVERCRITICALovercritical adj. Excessively critical.
OVERCRITICAL adj. excessively critical.
PRECRITICALprecritical adj. Before a critical stage.
precritical adj. Prior to the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
PRECRITICAL adj. prior to the development of critical capacity.
SUBCRITICALsubcritical adj. Of less than critical importance.
subcritical adj. Having a numerical value less than some critical value.
subcritical adj. (Physics) Having insufficient mass to sustain a chain reaction.
SUPERCRITICALsupercritical adj. (Physics) Of a substance or system above a critical threshold or range.
SUPERCRITICAL adj. of a fluid, brought to a temperature and pressure higher than its critical temperature and pressure, so that its physical and chemical properties change.
ULTRACRITICALultracritical adj. Extremely or excessively critical.
ULTRACRITICAL adj. extremely critical.
UNCRITICALuncritical adj. Lacking critique or critical examination; undiscriminating.
uncritical adj. Having a disregard for critical standards or procedures.
uncritical adj. Slow to criticize.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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