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There are 11 words ending with CRETION

ACCRETIONaccretion n. The act of increasing by natural growth; especially the increase of organic bodies by the internal accession…
accretion n. The act of increasing, or the matter added, by an accession of parts externally; an extraneous addition.
accretion n. Something added externally to promote the external growth of an item.
EXCRETIONexcretion n. The process of removing or ejecting material that has no further utility, especially from the body;…
excretion n. Something excreted in that manner, especially urine or feces.
EXCRETION n. the act of excreting.
INCRETIONincretion n. An internal secretion.
INCRETION n. internal secretion.
SECRETIONsecretion n. (Countable) any substance that is secreted by an organism.
secretion n. (Uncountable) the act of secreting a substance, especially from a gland.
secretion n. The act of hiding something.
CONCRETIONconcretion n. The process of aggregating or coalescing into a mass.
concretion n. A solid, hard mass formed by a process of aggregation or coalescence.
concretion n. (Petrology) A rounded mass of a mineral, sometimes found in sedimentary rock or on the ocean floor.
DISCRETIONdiscretion n. Individual justice from experience in quality of perception: discrete.
discretion n. The quality of being discreet.
discretion n. The ability to make wise choices or decisions.
INDISCRETIONindiscretion n. The quality or state of being indiscreet; lack of discretion.
indiscretion n. An indiscreet or imprudent act; indiscreet behavior.
indiscretion n. A brief sexual liaison.
OVERSECRETIONoversecretion n. Excessive secretion.
OVERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
HYPEREXCRETIONhyperexcretion n. (Medicine) Excessive excretion.
HYPEREXCRETION n. excessive excretion.
HYPERSECRETIONhypersecretion n. (Endocrinology) Excessive secretion.
HYPERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
NEUROSECRETIONneurosecretion n. The synthesis and release of hormones by neurons.
neurosecretion n. A hormone so secreted.
NEUROSECRETION n. the process of producing a secretion by neurons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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