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There are 18 words ending with CHICAL

ANARCHICALanarchical adj. Anarchic.
ANARCHICAL adj. relating to anarchy, the complete absence of law or government, also ANARCHAL, ANARCHIAL, ANARCHIC.
ANTIMONARCHICALantimonarchical adj. (Politics) Opposing a particular monarchy.
antimonarchical adj. (Politics) Opposing the concept of monarchy, rule by a single person.
ANTIMONARCHICAL adj. opposed to the monarchy.
AUTARCHICALautarchical adj. Autarchic.
AUTARCHICAL adj. relating to autarchy, absolute sovereignty, also AUTARCHIC, AUTARKIC, AUTARKICAL.
DIARCHICALdiarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a diarchy.
DIARCHICAL adj. relating to a diarchy, rulership by two people, also DIARCHAL, DIARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
DYARCHICALDYARCHICAL adj. relating to a diarchy, rulership by two people, also DIARCHAL, DIARCHIC, DIARCHICAL, DYARCHIC.
HIERARCHICALhierarchical adj. Pertaining to a hierarchy.
hierarchical adj. Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastic or priestly order.
hierarchical adj. Classified or arranged according to various criteria into successive ranks or grades.
METAPSYCHICALmetapsychical adj. Metapsychic.
METAPSYCHICAL adj. relating to metapsychics, the study of psychic phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary or orthodox psychology, also METAPSYCHIC.
MONARCHICALmonarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a monarch or monarchy.
monarchical adj. Having sole or undivided authority.
MONARCHICAL adj. relating to monarchy, also MONARCHIAL.
NONHIERARCHICALnonhierarchical adj. Classified or arranged so that a group or person has the same authority as everyone else; not hierarchical.
NONHIERARCHICAL adj. not hierarchical.
OLIGARCHICALoligarchical adj. Oligarchic.
OLIGARCHICAL adj. of or like an oligarchy, also OLIGARCHIC.
PARAPSYCHICALparapsychical adj. Parapsychic.
PARAPSYCHICAL adj. related to parapsychism, also PARAPSYCHIC.
PENTARCHICALpentarchical adj. Pentarchic.
PENTARCHICAL adj. relating to a pentarchy, government by five individuals.
PSYCHICALpsychical adj. Performed by or pertaining to the mind or spirit; mental, psychic.
psychical adj. (Theology) Pertaining to the animal nature of man, as opposed to the spirit.
psychical adj. Outside the realm of the physical; supernatural, psychic.
STOMACHICALstomachical adj. Stomachic.
STOMACHICAL adj. of the stomach.
SYNECDOCHICALsynecdochical adj. Using an inclusive term for something included, or vice versa; using something spoken of as the whole…
SYNECDOCHICAL adj. relating to synecdoche, also SYNECDOCHIC.
TETRARCHICALtetrarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a tetrarch or tetrarchy.
TETRARCHICAL adj. having four xylem strands, also TETRARCHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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