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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 18 ten-letter words ending with CULATE

ARTICULATEarticulate adj. Clear; effective.
articulate adj. Speaking in a clear and effective manner.
articulate adj. Consisting of segments united by joints.
AURICULATEauriculate adj. Alternative spelling of auriculated.
auriculate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having two lobes, often curved, often near the base.
AURICULATE adj. having ears or ear-shaped appendages, also AURICULATED.
AVUNCULATEavunculate n. The relationship between a man and his sister’s children, generally her sons.
avunculate n. (In certain tribal peoples, for example, the Korowai) a special relationship between a man and a maternal…
AVUNCULATE n. the custom in some societies of assigning rights and duties to a maternal uncle concerning his sister's son.
BILOCULATEbiloculate adj. Having two loculi.
BILOCULATE adj. divided into two chambers or cavities, also BILOCULAR.
CALYCULATEcalyculate adj. Calycular.
CALYCULATE adj. having a calyculus, a cuplike structure.
EMASCULATEemasculate adj. Deprived of virility or vigor; unmanned, weak.
emasculate v. (Transitive) To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate, to geld.
emasculate v. (Transitive) To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness.
FLOCCULATEflocculate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To collect together in a loose aggregation like flocks (tufts) of wool.
flocculate adj. Having flock form or forms.
flocculate n. A mass that has suffered flocculation.
FUNICULATEfuniculate adj. Forming a narrow ridge.
FUNICULATE adj. forming a narrow ridge.
GENICULATEgeniculate adj. (Anatomy, botany) Bent abruptly, with the structure of a knee.
geniculate adj. Having kneelike joints; able to bend at an abrupt angle.
geniculate adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a geniculate nucleus.
IMMACULATEimmaculate adj. Absolutely tidy, having no blemish or stain.
immaculate adj. (Zoology) (botany) Lacking blotches, spots, or other markings.
immaculate adj. (Figurative) containing no mistakes.
INOSCULATEinosculate v. (Transitive) To homogenize; to make continuous.
inosculate v. (Intransitive) To open into.
inosculate v. (Transitive) To unite.
OPERCULATEoperculate adj. Having an operculum.
operculate n. Any gastropod mollusc that has an operculum.
OPERCULATE adj. relating to the operculum, also OPERCULATED.
ORBICULATEorbiculate adj. Spherical or circular; orbicular.
orbiculate n. That which is orbiculate, especially a solid whose vertical section is oval and whose horizontal section is circular.
ORBICULATE adj. having the shape of a solid the vertical section of which is oval, and the horizontal section circular, also ORBICULATED.
PANICULATEpaniculate adj. Having a branched cluster of flowers.
PANICULATE adj. having or arranged in panicles, also PANICULATED.
PEDICULATEpediculate adj. Provided with a pedicel.
pediculate adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Pediculati.
pediculate n. (Zoology) Any member of the Pediculati.
RETICULATEreticulate adj. Network-like in form or appearance.
reticulate v. (Transitive) To distribute or move via a network.
reticulate v. (Transitive) To divide into or form a network.
UTRICULATEutriculate adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a bladder, especially by being swollen or inflated.
UTRICULATE adj. like or having a utricle, also UTRICULAR.
VESICULATEvesiculate v. (Transitive) to make vesicular.
vesiculate v. (Intransitive) to become vesicular.
vesiculate adj. Vesicular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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