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There are 19 words ending with CHECK

CHECKcheck n. An inspection or examination.
check n. A control; a limit or stop.
check n. (Chess) A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece.
RECHECKrecheck v. (Transitive, intransitive) To check again.
recheck n. The act of checking again; reverification.
RECHECK v. to check again.
UNCHECKuncheck v. (Graphical user interface, US, Canada) To remove a checkmark.
uncheck v. (Travel, aviation) To remove a previously checked-in passenger from the check-in system, allowing changes…
UNCHECK v. (Shakespeare) to fail to check.
AIRCHECKaircheck n. (Broadcasting) A demonstration recording, often intended to show off the talent of an announcer to a…
AIRCHECK n. a recording made from a radio broadcast.
HATCHECKhatcheck n. (US) A room, in a theatre or other such venue, in which hats and other garments may be stored.
hatcheck n. Rare spelling of háček.
HATCHECK n. the receiving of hats for safekeeping.
PAYCHECKpaycheck n. (US) Money received on payday as payment for work performed.
pay␣check n. Alternative form of paycheck.
PAYCHECK n. a check in payment of wages or salary, also PAYCHEQUE.
PINCHECKpincheck n. A kind of sturdy cotton cloth with a dot pattern.
PINCHECK n. a fabric design.
PRECHECKprecheck v. To check in advance.
PRECHECK v. to check beforehand.
BACKCHECKbackcheck v. (Transitive, ice hockey) To check (an opposing player) while skating toward or near one’s own goal.
backcheck v. (Intransitive, ice hockey) To engage in checking while skating toward or near one’s own goal.
backcheck v. (Quality control) To check someone else’s work after they have completed it, in a backward-looking type…
BODYCHECKbodycheck n. Alternative spelling of body check.
bodycheck v. Alternative spelling of body check.
body-check v. To perform a body check; to shove.
FORECHECKforecheck v. (Ice hockey) To pressure the puck carrier for the opposing team.
FORECHECK v. to check an opponent in ice hockey in his own defensive zone.
HOOKCHECKHOOKCHECK n. in ice hockey, the acting of hooking an opposing player.
NAMECHECKnamecheck v. (Music, especially in jazz) To announce the name of a person before they play a solo.
namecheck v. To name-drop.
name-check v. Alternative form of namecheck.
OVERCHECKovercheck n. A check pattern that is superimposed upon another pattern.
overcheck n. A strap that stretches from the pollstrap of the bridle to the saddle.
overcheck v. (Transitive) To check or verify more than necessary.
RAINCHECKraincheck n. Alternative form of rain check.
raincheck v. To take a raincheck on; to postpone.
rain␣check n. (Originally) A reissue, at no extra charge, of a ticket for a baseball game or other outdoor event postponed…
SIDECHECKSIDECHECK n. part of a horse's harness.
CROSSCHECKcrosscheck n. (Ice hockey) A penalty where a player strikes another with the shaft of his stick.
crosscheck n. (Lacrosse) A penalty where a player hits another player with the shaft of their lacrosse stick with…
crosscheck v. (Lacrosse) To hit another player with the shaft of a lacrosse stick.
SPELLCHECKspellcheck n. The act of spellchecking.
spellcheck n. A spellchecker.
spellcheck v. To check that words in written text are properly spelled.
COUNTERCHECKcountercheck n. A restriction or limit.
countercheck n. A second check (in order to confirm or deny a previous one).
countercheck v. To restrict or limit by counteracting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 98 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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