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There are 15 words ending with CIFY

CALCIFYcalcify v. (Transitive) To make something hard and stony by impregnating with calcium salts.
calcify v. (Intransitive) To become hard and stony by impregnation with calcium salts.
CALCIFY v. to convert into calcium carbonate or other insoluble calcium compounds.
CRUCIFYcrucify v. To execute (a person) by nailing to a cross.
crucify v. (Hyperbolic) To punish or otherwise express extreme anger at, especially as a scapegoat or target of outrage.
crucify v. (Hyperbolic, informal, sports) To thoroughly beat at a sport or game.
DECALCIFYdecalcify v. To deprive of calcareous matter.
DECALCIFY v. to deprive of calcium.
DULCIFYdulcify v. To sweeten the taste of.
dulcify v. To make sweeter or more pleasant.
dulcify v. (Obsolete) To neutralise the acidity of.
FANCIFYfancify v. (Transitive) To make fancy.
FANCIFY v. to make fancy.
FARCIFYfarcify v. (Transitive) To make farcical; to turn into farce.
FARCIFY v. to turn into a farce.
MERCIFYmercify v. (Obsolete, rare, transitive) To have mercy on; to pity.
MERCIFY v. (Spenser) to show pity.
OPACIFYopacify v. (Transitive) To make opaque.
OPACIFY v. to make opaque.
PACIFYpacify v. (Transitive) To bring peace to (a place or situation), by ending war, fighting, violence, anger or agitation.
pacify v. (Transitive) To appease (someone).
PACIFY v. to make peaceful.
PRESPECIFYprespecify v. (Transitive) To specify in advance.
PRESPECIFY v. to specify in advance.
REPACIFYrepacify v. (Transitive) To pacify again, to make peaceful a second time.
repacify v. (Transitive) To pacify, to make peaceful once again.
REPACIFY v. to pacify again.
RESPECIFYrespecify v. To specify again; to alter an earlier specification.
RESPECIFY v. to specify again.
SILICIFYsilicify v. (Transitive) to impregnate something with silica.
silicify v. (Intransitive) to be impregnated with, or converted into silica.
SILICIFY v. to convert into silica.
SPECIFYspecify v. (Transitive) To state explicitly, or in detail, or as a condition.
specify v. (Transitive) To include in a specification.
specify v. (Transitive) To bring about a specific result.
ZINCIFYzincify v. (Transitive) To coat or impregnate with zinc.
ZINCIFY v. to coat with zinc, also ZINCKIFY, ZINKIFY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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