ALTRICIAL | • altricial adj. (Zoology) Helpless at birth (of young animals); or having young which are helpless at birth. • altricial n. Such an animal. • ALTRICIAL adj. having young requiring care for a lengthy period. |
BIOSOCIAL | • biosocial adj. (Biology, sociology) Of or pertaining to both biological and social features. • BIOSOCIAL adj. relating to the interaction of the biological aspects and social relationships of living organisms. |
DISSOCIAL | • dissocial adj. Unfriendly to society; selfish. • DISSOCIAL adj. (archaic) not social. |
DYSTOCIAL | • dystocial adj. Of, pertaining to or characterised by dystocia; having had a difficult birth. • DYSTOCIAL adj. relating to dystocia, difficult childbirth. |
EDIFICIAL | • edificial adj. Pertaining to an edifice; structural. • EDIFICIAL adj. pertaining to an edifice. |
ENGLACIAL | • englacial adj. Occurring or located within a glacier. • ENGLACIAL adj. embedded in, carried in or running through a glacier. |
FINANCIAL | • financial adj. Related to finances. • financial adj. Having dues and fees paid up to date for a club or society. • FINANCIAL adj. relating to finance. |
NONRACIAL | • nonracial adj. Not related to or based on a person’s race. • non-racial adj. Not racial. • NONRACIAL adj. not racial. |
NONSOCIAL | • nonsocial adj. Not social; unconcerned with society or social matters. • NONSOCIAL adj. not social. |
ORIFICIAL | • orificial adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to the orifices of the body. • ORIFICIAL adj. relating to an orifice. |
PRECOCIAL | • precocial adj. (Zoology, of birds) Hatched from the egg already covered in down and with eyes open; capable of leaving… • PRECOCIAL adj. of or relating to birds whose young are hatched with a covering of down and can leave the nest at once to seek food. • PRECOCIAL n. a bird having such young, also PRAECOCIAL. |
PREFACIAL | • prefacial adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the face. • PREFACIAL adj. relating to a preface. |
PROSOCIAL | • prosocial adj. Beneficial to all parties and consistent with community laws and mores. • prosocial adj. Contributing to a beneficial outcome by negotiation, problem solving, problem analysis, clarification… • PROSOCIAL adj. in the interests of society as a whole. |
RUSTICIAL | • RUSTICIAL adj. (Scott) rustic, also RUSTIC, RUSTICAL. |
SEMUNCIAL | • semuncial adj. Relating to the coin called a semuncia. • SEMUNCIAL adj. relating to a semuncia, a Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound. |
SUBSOCIAL | • subsocial adj. Having a very limited social structure. • SUBSOCIAL adj. tending to associate gregariously but lacking a fixed social structure. |
SURFICIAL | • surficial adj. Of or pertaining to the surface of something, particularly the surface of the Earth. • SURFICIAL adj. superficial, found on the surface. |
TRIFACIAL | • trifacial adj. Trigeminal. • trifacial n. (Neuroanatomy) trigeminal nerve. • TRIFACIAL adj. threefold and relating to the face. |