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There are 12 eight-letter words ending with CORE

ALBACOREalbacore n. A longfin tuna, a large marine fish (Thunnus alalunga) of warm seas, having edible flesh.
ALBACORE n. (Arabic) a large tuna fish, also ALBICORE.
ALBICOREalbicore n. Alternative form of albacore.
ALBICORE n. (Arabic) a large tuna fish, also ALBACORE.
COROCOREcorocore n. A kind of boat of various forms, used in the Malay Archipelago.
COROCORE n. (Malay) a Malayan boat, also COROCORO.
HALICOREhalicore n. (Obsolete) The dugong.
Halicore prop.n. (Obsolete) Synonym of Dugong (taxonomic genus).
HALICORE n. (Greek) the dugong, a manatee or sea-cow.
HARDCOREhardcore adj. Having an extreme dedication to a certain activity.
hardcore adj. (Colloquial) Particularly intense; thrillingly dangerous or erratic; desirably violent in appearance;…
hardcore adj. Resistant to change.
MALLCOREmallcore n. (Slang, derogatory, music) Popular music that is overproduced, mainstream, corporately controlled, etc…
mallcore n. (Informal, derogatory, music) nu metal.
MALLCORE n. a form of music that incorporates rap and funk.
NORMCOREnormcore n. (Fashion) A unisex fashion trend characterized by average-looking, unpretentious clothing.
normcore n. (By extension, attributively) Any style that is mainstream or unremarkable.
NORMCORE n. a consciously unobtrusive style of dress.
OUTSCOREoutscore v. (Transitive) To score more than.
OUTSCORE v. to score more points than.
PRESCOREprescore v. (Transitive) To provide (A film, etc.) with a musical score in advance.
PRESCORE v. to record the sound before filming.
SIXSCOREsixscore num. (Archaic) One hundred and twenty.
SIXSCORE n. one hundred and twenty.
SOFTCOREsoftcore n. Pornography that does not contain depictions of explicit sexual penetration.
softcore adj. (Slang, of music genres, subcultures, etc.) Less intense, committed or aggressive than hardcore.
soft-core adj. Alternative form of softcore.
TOPSCOREtopscore v. (Sports, uncommon except in the present participle) To score more than anyone else in a particular match…
TOPSCORE v. to be the highest scorer in a sports match.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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