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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 19 ten-letter words ending with CTIC

AEROTACTICaerotactic adj. Relating to aerotaxis.
AEROTACTIC adj. relating to or showing aerotaxis.
ANAPTYCTICanaptyctic adj. (Phonology) Of or pertaining to anaptyxis; of a vowel having been inserted into a word.
ANAPTYCTIC adj. relating to anaptyxis, the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation, also ANAPTYCTICAL.
APODEICTICapodeictic adj. Affording proof; demonstrative.
apodeictic adj. Incontrovertible; demonstrably true or certain.
apodeictic adj. (Logic) Of the characteristic feature of a proposition that is necessary (or impossible): perfectly…
APOPLECTICapoplectic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to apoplexy.
apoplectic adj. Marked by extreme anger or fury.
apoplectic adj. (Archaic) Effused with blood.
ASYNTACTICasyntactic adj. Not syntactic.
ASYNTACTIC adj. loosely put together, irregular, ungrammatical.
CATALECTICcatalectic adj. (Poetry) (said of a line with incomplete meter) lacking a syllable at the end or ending with an incomplete foot.
catalectic adj. Incomplete; partial; not affecting the whole of a substance.
catalectic n. (Poetry) A line with incomplete meter, lacking a syllable at the end or ending with an incomplete foot.
DIAZEUCTICdiazeuctic adj. (Music, obsolete) Disjoining two fourths.
DIAZEUCTIC adj. relating to diazeuxis, the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone.
DYSPRACTICDYSPRACTIC adj. suffering from dyspraxia, also DYSPRAXIC.
ECPHRACTICecphractic adj. (Medicine, dated) Serving to dissolve or attenuate viscid matter, and so remove obstructions; deobstruent.
ecphractic n. (Dated) Any medicine of this kind.
ECPHRACTIC adj. (obsolete) serving to remove obstructions.
EMPHRACTICemphractic adj. (Medicine) Having the quality of closing the pores of the skin.
EMPHRACTIC adj. blocking the pores of the skin.
EMPHRACTIC n. a substance that stops the pores of the skin.
EPIDEICTICepideictic adj. Of or pertaining to rhetoric of ceremony, declamation, and demonstration, most often the rhetoric of…
EPIDEICTIC adj. done for show or display, also EPIDEICTICAL.
HYPOTACTIChypotactic adj. Of or relating to hypotaxis.
HYPOTACTIC adj. relating to hypotaxis, a dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with conjunctions.
IDIOLECTICidiolectic adj. Pertaining to an idiolect.
IDIOLECTIC adj. of or like an idiolect, a distinctive individual form of speech, also IDIOLECTAL.
MALOLACTICmalolactic adj. (Winemaking) Describing a type of fermentation in which malic acid is converted into lactic acid.
MALOLACTIC adj. relating to the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid in the production of wine.
PARATACTICparatactic adj. Pertaining to or using parataxis.
PARATACTIC adj. of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis, also PARATACTICAL.
PERITECTICperitectic adj. (Physics) Describes the isothermal reversible reaction of a liquid phase and a solid phase to form a…
peritectic n. The second solid phase so-formed.
PERITECTIC n. a temperature at which a melting reaction takes place.
PLEONECTICpleonectic adj. Greedy; covetous.
PLEONECTIC adj. greedy; covetous.
RHEOTACTICrheotactic adj. (Biology) relating to rheotaxis.
RHEOTACTIC adj. relating to rheotaxis, the movement of an organism in response to a current of water.
UNDIDACTICundidactic adj. Not didactic.
UNDIDACTIC adj. not didactic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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