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There are 17 words ending with CTA

ACTAACTA prop.n. Initialism of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
ACTA n. (Latin) official minutes of proceedings.
ANALECTAanalecta n. Analects.
ANALECTA n. (Greek) collected literary fragments, also ANALECTS.
DEJECTAdejecta n. (Medicine, zoology) any liquid or solid waste matter that is emanated, shed or discharged from the body…
dejecta n. Excrements.
DEJECTA n. (Latin) excrements.
DICTAdicta n. Plural of dictum.
DICTUM n. (Latin) an authoritative statement.
EJECTAejecta n. (Geology) Material which has been ejected, especially from a volcano or an impact crater.
EJECTA n. material ejected esp. from a volcano, also EJECTAMENTA.
EXACTAexacta n. A bet in which the bettor must correctly pick the two runners who finish first and second, in the correct order.
EXACTA n. (Spanish) a type of horse racing bet.
FACTAfacta n. Plural of factum.
FACTUM n. (Latin) a man's own act and deed.
OCTAocta n. (Meteorology) The proportion of the sky that is obscured by clouds, in eighths (one octa means that…
octa- pref. Eight.
OCTA n. a unit of cloud-cover, one-eighth sky, also OKTA.
PACTAPACTUM n. (Latin) a pact.
PERFECTAperfecta n. (Chiefly US) A kind of bet wherein the first and second-place finishers must be predicted in the correct order.
perfecta n. (Historical, Christianity) A female perfect (Cathar leader).
PERFECTA n. (Spanish) a form of bet in which the punter has to select and place in order the first two horses, dogs etc.
PUNCTApuncta n. Plural of punctum.
PUNCTUM n. (Latin) a point or dot; a minute aperture.
RECTArecta n. Plural of rectum.
RECTUM n. (Latin) the terminal portion of the large intestine.
SANCTAsancta n. Plural of sanctum.
SANCTUM n. (Latin) a sacred place.
SELECTASELECTA n. a disc jockey.
SUPERFECTAsuperfecta n. A method of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first four finishers of a race…
SUPERFECTA n. a bet in which the bettor must pick the first four winners of a race in the correct order.
TECTAtecta n. Plural of tectum.
TECTUM n. (Latin) a rooflike body structure, esp. the dorsal part of the midbrain.
TRIFECTAtrifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) A bet in which the bettor must select the first three placegetters of a…
trifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) The attainment of three important achievements, qualities, etc.
trifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand, by extension) A set of three related things, often things that cause problems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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