ACRE | • acre n. An English unit of land area (Symbol: a. or ac.) originally denoting a day’s ploughing for a yoke of… • acre n. Any of various similar units of area in other systems. • acre n. (Informal, usually in the plural) A wide expanse. |
CHANCRE | • chancre n. (Pathology) Skin lesion, sometimes associated with certain contagious diseases such as syphilis. • CHANCRE n. (French) a hard nodular swelling, esp. one that develops in the primary stage of syphilis. |
CONACRE | • conacre n. (Ireland) An agricultural system of letting land in small patches or strips, usually for tillage. • conacre n. (Ireland) A strip of land that is let under this system. • conacre v. (Ireland) To underlet a proportion of, for a single crop; said of a farm. |
CORNACRE | • cornacre n. Alternative form of conacre. • CORNACRE n. the letting by a tenant of small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CONACRE. |
FIACRE | • fiacre n. (Historical) A small horse-drawn carriage for hire; a hackney carriage. • FIACRE n. (French) a small hackney carriage. |
INVOLUCRE | • involucre n. (Botany) Conspicuous bract, bract pair or ring of bracts at the base of an inflorescence. • INVOLUCRE n. a whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head, also INVOLUCRUM. |
LUCRE | • lucre n. Money, riches, or wealth, especially when seen as having a corrupting effect or causing greed, or obtained… • LUCRE n. sordid gain; riches. |
MASSACRE | • massacre n. The killing of a considerable number (usually limited to people) where little or no resistance can be… • massacre n. (Obsolete) Murder. • massacre n. (Figuratively) Any overwhelming defeat, as in a game or sport. |
MEDIOCRE | • mediocre adj. Having no peculiar or outstanding features; not extraordinary, special, exceptional, or great; of medium… • mediocre n. A person of minor significance, accomplishment or acclaim; a common and undistinguished person. • mediocre n. (Historical) A member of a socioeconomic class between the upper ranks of society and the agricultural workers. |
NACRE | • nacre n. (Obsolete) A shellfish which contains mother-of-pearl. • nacre n. A pearly substance which lines the interior of many shells; mother-of-pearl. • nacré adj. (Art) Having an iridescence like that of nacre, or mother-of-pearl. |
POLACRE | • polacre n. (Nautical, obsolete or historical) A 17th-century three-masted merchant ship. • POLACRE n. (Italian) a vessel with two or three masts, used in the Mediterranean, also POLACCA. |
SIMULACRE | • simulacre n. A simulacrum. • SIMULACRE n. a likeness, a semblance; now usually in a derogatory sense, also SIMULACRUM. |
STAVESACRE | • stavesacre n. A highly toxic, perennial plant with purple flowers, Delphinium staphisagria. • STAVESACRE n. a tall larkspur whose seeds were formerly used against lice. |
SUCRE | • sucre n. The former currency of Ecuador, divided into 100 centavos. • Sucre prop.n. The constitutional capital of Bolivia. • SUCRE n. a monetary unit of Ecuador, a silver coin worth 68 cents. |
WISEACRE | • wiseacre n. One who feigns knowledge or cleverness; one who is wisecracking; an insolent upstart. • wiseacre n. (Obsolete) A learned or wise man. • wiseacre v. To act like a wiseacre; to wisecrack. |