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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 9 eight-letter words ending with CON

BURSICONbursicon n. (Biochemistry) A heterodimeric protein that is an insect hormone which mediates tanning in the cuticle of adult flies.
BURSICON n. a hormone produced by the insect brain that regulates processes associated with ecdysis.
EMOTICONemoticon n. A graphical representation of a particular emotion of the writer, used especially in SMS, email, or…
EMOTICON n. in computing, an icon used in an email to express feeling.
IRENICONirenicon n. A proposition, scheme, or treatise designed to promote peace, especially in the church.
irenicon n. The deacon’s litany or great synapte at the beginning of the liturgy of the Orthodox Church.
IRENICON n. (Greek) a peacemaking message, a proposition for peace, also EIRENICON.
ISODICONIsodicon prop.n. (Christianity) In the Greek Orthodox Church, a troparion or short anthem sung while the Gospel is being…
ISODICON n. (Greek) in the Greek Church, a short anthem sung while the gospel is being carried through the church.
ORTHICONorthicon n. An early TV camera tube. (Abbreviation of orthoconoscope.)
ORTHICON n. a kind of television camera tube.
OSTRACONostracon n. A piece of pottery or stone, usually broken off from a vase or other earthenware vessel, especially…
OSTRACON n. (Greek) a piece of tile for writing a message upon, also OSTRAKON.
PALEOCONpaleocon n. (Informal) A paleoconservative.
PALEOCON n. an extremely right-wing conservative.
REPLICONreplicon n. (Genetics) A DNA molecule or a region of DNA that replicates as an individual unit. A replicon may be…
REPLICON n. a part of a DNA molecule replicated from a single origin.
SALPICONsalpicon n. A type of stuffing of cooked, diced ingredients with a sauce, used especially for veal.
SALPICON n. (French) a dish comprising game, fish, poultry, truffles etc. in sauce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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