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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 8 eight-letter words ending with CHA

BISCACHAbiscacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BISCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BIZCACHA.
BIZCACHAbizcacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BIZCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BISCACHA.
CACHUCHAcachucha n. A dance, in triple time and related to the flamenco and fandango, from Andalusia.
cachucha n. A kind of sweet pepper grown in the Caribbean.
CACHUCHA n. (Spanish) an Andalusian dance in three-four time, resembling the bolero.
GUARACHAguaracha n. (Music, uncountable) A genre of Cuban popular music with rapid tempo and lyrics.
guaracha n. (Music, countable) A piece performed in this style.
GUARACHA n. (Spanish) a flat-heeled sandal, also GUARACHE, GUARACHI, HUARACHE, HUARACHO.
MUCHACHAMUCHACHA n. (Spanish) a young woman or female servant.
SRIRACHAsriracha n. A Thai-style hot sauce, typically made from sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
VISCACHAviscacha n. Any of the several South American rodents, native to the Andes, of the genera Lagidium and Lagostomus…
VISCACHA n. (Quechua) a gregarious burrowing South American rodent related to the chinchilla, also BISCACHA, BIZCACHA, VIZCACHA.
VIZCACHAvizcacha n. Alternative spelling of viscacha.
VIZCACHA n. (Quechua) a gregarious burrowing South American rodent related to the chinchilla, also BISCACHA, BIZCACHA, VISCACHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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