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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 9 eight-letter words ending with CAP

BLACKCAPblackcap n. A small Old World warbler, Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), which is mainly grey with a black crown.
blackcap n. (Obsolete, UK, US, dialectal) Any of various species of titmouse (of the family Paridae), including…
blackcap n. (Cooking) An apple roasted until black, to be served in a dish of boiled custard.
ETTERCAPettercap n. Alternative form of attercop.
ETTERCAP n. (Scots) a spider, also ATTERCOP, ETHERCAP.
FOOLSCAPfoolscap n. Alternative form of fool’s cap.
foolscap n. (Strictly) Writing paper sheets measuring 13.25 x 16.5 inches.
foolscap n. (More usually) Such a sheet folded or cut in half, thus approximately 8 x 13.25 inches.
HANDICAPhandicap n. Something that prevents, hampers, or hinders.
handicap n. (Sports) An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race (or other…
handicap n. (Sometimes considered offensive) The disadvantage itself, in particular physical or mental disadvantages of people.
MICROCAPmicrocap n. (US, finance) The stock of a public company with a market capitalization of roughly $300 million or less.
MICROCAP adj. of a company, having very small capitalisation.
NIGHTCAPnightcap n. A warm cloth cap worn while sleeping, often with pajamas, being common attire in northern Europe before…
nightcap n. A beverage drunk before bed that is usually alcoholic.
nightcap n. (By extension, figuratively) Something that a person reads or listens to before bed.
SKULLCAPskullcap n. A small domed cap that covers the area from the forehead to just above the back of the neck.
skullcap n. A yarmulke-like hat worn as an element of ghetto fashion.
skullcap n. (Anatomy) The calvaria, the top part of the skull, covering the cranial cavity containing the brain.
WHITECAPwhitecap n. Any of several birds having a white patch on the head.
whitecap n. A wave having a white crest; a breaker.
whitecap n. (US, historical) A member of a self-appointed vigilante committee that carried out lynchings. Some early…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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