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There are 20 six-letter words ending with CA

ALPACAalpaca n. A sheep-like animal of the Andes, Vicugna pacos, in the camel family, closely related to the llama…
alpaca n. (Uncountable) Wool from the alpaca.
ALPACA n. a domestic animal related to the llama.
ANICCAanicca n. (Buddhism) Impermanence, the doctrine claiming that all of conditioned existence, without exception…
ANICCA n. (Sanskrit) the belief that everything is impermanent and constantly changing.
ARNICAarnica n. Any of several plants, of the genus Arnica, considered to have medicinal properties, especially Arnica montana.
Arnica prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the arnica plants.
ARNICA n. a tincture obtained from mountain tobacco used for bruises, sprains etc.
CLOACAcloaca n. (Sometimes figurative) A sewer.
cloaca n. (Zoology) The duct in reptiles, amphibians and birds, as well as most fish and some mammals, which serves…
cloaca n. An outhouse or lavatory.
CUBICAcubica n. A fine unglazed fabric resembling shalloon.
CUBICA n. (Spanish) a fine worsted fabric used for linings.
LEXICAlexica n. Plural of lexicon.
LEXICON n. (Greek) a dictionary.
LORICAlorica n. (Historical) A cuirass, originally of leather, afterward of plates of metal or horn sewed on linen or the like.
lorica n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Lute for protecting vessels from the fire.
lorica n. (Zoology) The protective case or shell of a Loricifera, infusorian or rotifer.
MARACAmaraca n. (Music) A Latin American percussion instrument consisting of a hollow-gourd rattle containing pebbles…
maraca n. (Slang, in the plural) breasts.
MARACA n. (Portuguese) a kind of gourd, used as a musical instrument.
METICAmetica n. A proposed currency of Mozambique in the 1970s, never put into circulation.
METICA n. a monetary unit of Mozambique, also METICAL.
MODICAmodica n. (Rare) plural of modicum.
MODICUM n. (Latin) a small amount.
MOTUCAmotuca n. A large biting fly of Brazil.
MOTUCA n. (Tupi) a large Brazilian biting fly, also MUTUCA.
MUTUCAMUTUCA n. (Tupi) a large Brazilian biting fly, also MOTUCA.
MYRICAmyrica n. (Botany) Any of the genus Myrica of shrubs and trees.
Myrica prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myricaceae – many small trees and shrubs, many called bayberry or wax myrtle.
MYRICA n. (Latin) a widely dispersed genus of shrubs and trees, usually with aromatic foliage.
PATACApataca n. The monetary unit of Macau, equal to 100 avos.
pataca n. A monetary unit used during the 16th century and 17th century in Malta in the form of a large copper coin.
pataca n. A monetary unit of account used in Portuguese Timor intermittently between 1894 and 1958.
SENECASeneca prop.n. A Roman cognomen, notably borne by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman stoic philosopher, dramatist, and statesman.
Seneca n. A member of a tribe of Native Americans in western New York state.
Seneca prop.n. The Iroquoian language of the Seneca people.
SILICAsilica n. Silicon dioxide.
silica n. Any of the silica group of the silicate minerals.
SILICA n. silicon dioxide or silicic anhydride, occurring in nature as quartz, chalcedony, etc.
TUNICAtunica n. Synonym of tunic (“garment”).
tunica n. Synonym of tunic (“covering”).
Tunica prop.n. An unincorporated community in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, United States.
URTICAUrtica prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Urticaceae – the nettles.
URTICA n. (Latin) any plant of the nettle genus.
VESICAvesica n. (Anatomy) A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gall bladder.
vesica n. (Art) The vesica piscis or oval aureole in mediaeval painting.
VESICA n. (Latin) a bladder, esp. a urinary bladder.
VOMICAvomica n. (Medicine) An abscess cavity in the lungs or any other parenchymal organ.
VOMICA n. (Latin) a cavity in the body containing pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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