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There are 16 words ending with BUSTER

BUSTERbuster n. (Chiefly colloquial, with ’of’) Someone who or something that bursts, breaks, or destroys a specified thing.
buster n. (Chiefly military slang) Forming compounds denoting a team, weapon, or device specialized in the destruction…
buster n. (Chiefly colloquial, with ’of’) Someone who or something that ’breaks’, tames, or overpowers a specified…
ROBUSTERrobuster adj. Comparative form of robust: more robust.
ROBUST adj. strong and healthy.
JAMBUSTERjambuster n. (Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario) A doughnut filled with jam.
JAMBUSTER n. (Canadian) a jelly-filled doughnut.
SODBUSTERsodbuster n. (Informal) An agricultural labourer or farmer who breaks up the land, as with a plough.
SODBUSTER n. (US) a farmer who works the soil.
BALLBUSTERballbuster n. Alternative form of ball-buster.
ball-buster n. (US, vulgar) Ball-breaker.
BONKBUSTERbonkbuster n. (Slang) a popular novel involving frequent explicit sexual encounters, normally in a contemporary setting.
BONKBUSTER n. a work of popular fiction centering on erotic encounters.
DOORBUSTERdoorbuster n. An unusually low sale price, typically offered by a retailer on a limited number of items for a limited…
FILIBUSTERfilibuster n. A mercenary soldier; a freebooter; specifically, a mercenary who travelled illegally in an organized…
filibuster n. (US politics) A tactic (such as giving long, often irrelevant speeches) employed to delay the proceedings…
filibuster n. (US politics) A member of a legislative body causing such an obstruction; a filibusterer.
GANGBUSTERgangbuster n. A law enforcement officer who specializes in disrupting organized crime.
GANGBUSTER n. a special police agent working to combat criminal gangs.
TANKBUSTERtankbuster n. (Colloquial) A military aircraft suited to the destruction of tanks.
TANKBUSTER n. a plane that specialises in attacking tanks.
BLOCKBUSTERblockbuster n. A high-explosive bomb used for the purposes of demolishing extensive areas, such as a city block.
blockbuster n. (Informal) Something, such as a film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and…
blockbuster n. (Informal) Something, especially an event or a film, book or other creative work, that is intended to…
TRUSTBUSTERtrustbuster n. (US) A person or entity responsible for breaking up trusts or monopolies.
TRUSTBUSTER n. a person who works for or achieves the breakup of business trusts, e.g. by legislation.
BRONCOBUSTERbroncobuster n. (Chiefly US) A person who breaks horses so that they can be ridden with a saddle.
bronco-buster n. Alternative spelling of broncobuster.
bronco␣buster n. Alternative spelling of broncobuster.
MIDDLEBUSTERmiddlebuster n. (US, regional) A type of plough with two mouldboards, which throws earth out to either side.
MIDDLEBUSTER n. a plow with a double moldboard, used to prepare the ground for planting by producing furrows and ridges.
STRESSBUSTERstressbuster n. (Informal) Any technique that works against mental stress.
STRESSBUSTER n. any product intended to relieve stress.
ANTIFILIBUSTERantifilibuster adj. (US, politics) Opposing or preventing filibuster.
ANTIFILIBUSTER n. a person or method in opposition to filibustering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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