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There are 19 seven-letter words ending with BBIES

BOBBIESbobbies n. Plural of bobby.
BOBBY n. (slang) a policeman.
BUBBIESbubbies n. Plural of bubby.
BUBBY n. (colloquial) a woman's breast.
CABBIEScabbies n. Plural of cabby.
CABBY n. (colloquial) a cabdriver, also CABBIE.
CUBBIEScubbies n. Plural of cubby.
CUBBY n. a snug enclosed space.
DEBBIESDEBBY n. a debutante.
DOBBIESdobbies n. Plural of dobby.
DOBBIE n. a loom attachment which can weave small figures, also DOBBY.
HOBBIEShobbies n. Plural of hobby.
Hobbies prop.n. Plural of Hobbie.
HOBBY n. a recreational pastime.
HUBBIEShubbies n. Plural of hubby.
HUBBY n. (colloquial) husband.
JOBBIESjobbies n. Plural of jobbie.
JOBBIE n. (Scots) a lump of excrement.
KEBBIESkebbies n. Plural of kebby.
kebbies n. Plural of kebbie.
KEBBIE n. (Scots) a shepherd's crook.
LOBBIESlobbies n. Plural of lobby.
lobbies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lobby.
lobbies n. (UK, dialect) A stew resembling scouse, using corned beef or tinned stewing steak.
MOBBIESMOBBIE n. (Caribbean) a frothy beverage made from boiled tree-bark, also MAUBY, MOBBY.
RABBIESrabbies n. (Archaic) plural of rabbi.
RABBI n. (Hebrew) a Jewish expounder or doctor of the law, also RABBIN.
RIBBIESribbies n. Plural of ribbie.
RIBBIE n. in baseball, a run batted in.
RUBBIESRUBBY n. (Canadian slang) rubbing alcohol, esp. when mixed with cheap red wine.
SUBBIESsubbies n. Plural of subbie.
SUBBY n. (Australian slang) a subcontractor, esp. in the construction industry, also SUBBIE.
TABBIEStabbies n. Plural of tabby.
TABBY v. to water silk to cause it look wavy.
WEBBIESwebbies n. Plural of webbie.
Webbies n. Plural of Webbie.
WEBBIE n. a person very familiar with the World Wide Web.
YABBIESyabbies n. Plural of yabby.
YABBY v. to catch yabbies, also YABBIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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