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There are 18 words ending with BRAS

BRASbras n. Plural of bra.
BRAS n. Acronym of broadband remote access server.
BRAS n. (Spenser) brass.
COBRAScobras n. Plural of cobra.
COBRAs n. Plural of COBRA.
COBRA n. (Portuguese) a venomous snake of India and Africa.
DOBRASdobras n. Plural of dobra.
DOBRA n. (Portuguese) a former gold coin of Portugal.
LIBRASlibras n. Plural of libra.
Libras n. Plural of Libra.
LIBRA n. (Latin) an ancient Roman unit of weight.
SABRASsabras n. Plural of sabra.
Sabras n. Plural of Sabra.
SABRA n. (Hebrew) a prickly-pear fruit; also, a native Israeli.
UMBRASumbras n. Plural of umbra.
UMBRA n. (Latin) a shadow.
ZABRASzabras n. Plural of zabra.
ZABRA n. (Spanish) a small vessel used off the Spanish coast.
ZEBRASzebras n. Plural of zebra.
ZEBRA n. an African mammal related to the horse.
CEMBRAScembras n. Plural of cembra.
CEMBRA n. the Swiss stone-pine.
ALGEBRASalgebras n. Plural of algebra.
ALGEBRA n. (Arabic) a method of calculating by symbols.
PALABRASpalabras n. Plural of palabra.
PALABRA n. (Spanish) a word, talk.
TEREBRASterebras n. Plural of terebra.
TEREBRA n. (Latin) a boring instrument.
PALPEBRASPALPEBRA n. (Latin) the eyelid.
PENUMBRASpenumbras n. Plural of penumbra.
PENUMBRA n. (Latin) a partial shadow.
STEENBRASsteenbras n. Any of various fish of the sparid genus Lithognathus.
STEENBRAS n. (South African) an edible estuarine South African fish.
VERTEBRASvertebras n. Plural of vertebra.
VERTEBRA n. (Latin) a component of the vertebral column, or backbone, found in vertebrates.
CANDELABRAScandelabras n. Plural of candelabra.
CANDELABRA n. a candleholder.
ABRACADABRASabracadabras n. Plural of abracadabra.
ABRACADABRA n. a magic word, used as a charm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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