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There are 12 words ending with BOLE

BOLEbole n. The trunk or stem of a tree.
bole n. Any of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually coloured red by iron oxide, and composed essentially…
bole n. (Colour) The shade of reddish brown which resembles this clay.
OBOLEobole n. (Historical) An obsolete French coin.
OBOLE n. (French) a medieval French coin.
ECBOLEecbole n. (Rhetoric, rare) A digression, (especially) one in which a person is introduced speaking his or her own words.
ecbole n. (Music) The raising or sharping of a tone, especially (historical) in relation to Ancient Greek music.
ECBOLE n. a rhetorical digression.
SOBOLEsobole n. (Botany, archaic) Alternative form of soboles.
SOBOLE n. (Latin) a creeping underground stem.
SYMBOLEsymbole n. Obsolete form of symbol.
SYMBOLE n. (obsolete) a cymbal.
HYPOBOLEhypobole n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical figure in which several things are mentioned that seem to make against the argument…
HYPOBOLE n. the anticipation and refutal of objections to an argument.
PARABOLEparabole n. (Rhetoric) similitude; comparison.
PARABOLE n. a rhetorical comparison.
AMPHIBOLEamphibole n. (Mineralogy) Any of a large group of structurally similar hydrated double silicate minerals, containing…
AMPHIBOLE n. any mineral of a group of dark-coloured, rock-forming silicates.
CARAMBOLEcarambole n. Archaic form of carambola. (star fruit)
carambole v. (Archaic) To play a carom shot.
CARAMBOLE v. (French) to make a cannon in billiards, also CAROM, CARROM.
HYPERBOLEhyperbole n. (Uncountable, rhetoric, literature) Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable) An instance or example of such overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable, obsolete) A hyperbola.
ROCAMBOLErocambole n. The sand leek, Allium scorodoprasum.
rocambole n. A type of garlic, Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon.
ROCAMBOLE n. (French) a plant closely related to garlic.
ANTIMETABOLEantimetabole n. (Rhetoric) The technique of reversal, where accentuated by reversal of words, actions or grammatical structure.
ANTIMETABOLE n. repetition of words or ideas in different order e.g. to fail to plan is to plan to fail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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