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There are 15 words ending with BIAL

LABIALlabial adj. (Anatomy, zootomy) Of or pertaining to the lips or labia.
labial adj. (Linguistics, phonetics) Articulated by the lips, as the consonants b, m and w.
labial adj. (Dentistry, of an incisor or canine) On the side facing the lips. See mesial.
TIBIALtibial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to a tibia or a structure associated with a tibia.
tibial adj. (Music) Of or relating to a pipe or flute.
tibial n. (Anatomy) A tibial bone.
CAMBIALcambial adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to commercial exchange.
cambial adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a cambium.
CAMBIAL adj. of or like cambium, soft tissue found in trees.
STIBIALstibial adj. Like, or having the qualities of, antimony; antimonial.
STIBIAL adj. pertaining to antimony (stibium).
BILABIALbilabial adj. (Phonetics) Articulated with both lips.
bilabial n. (Phonetics) A speech sound articulated with both lips.
BILABIAL n. a sound produced by both lips, for example p, b, m.
ADVERBIALadverbial adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to an adverb.
adverbial n. (Grammar) An adverbial word or phrase.
ADVERBIAL adj. relating to an adverb.
CONNUBIALconnubial adj. Of or relating to the state of being married.
CONNUBIAL adj. of or relating to marriage.
MICROBIALmicrobial adj. Of, relating to, or caused by microbes or microorganisms.
microbial n. A microbe or bacterium.
MICROBIAL adj. of or like a microbe, also MICROBIAN, MICROBIC.
RHIZOBIALrhizobial adj. Of or pertaining to rhizobia.
RHIZOBIAL adj. relating to a rhizobium, a bacterium important in nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.
SAPROBIALSAPROBIAL adj. of or like a saprobe, an organism living in foul water, also SAPROBIC.
PROCAMBIALprocambial adj. Relating to a procambium.
PROCAMBIAL adj. relating to procambium, the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
PROVERBIALproverbial adj. Of, resembling, or expressed as a proverb, cliché, fable, or fairy tale.
proverbial adj. Not used in a literal sense, but as the subject of a well-known metaphor.
proverbial adj. Widely known; famous; stereotypical.
DENTILABIALdentilabial adj. Alternative form of dentolabial.
dentilabial n. Alternative form of dentolabial.
DENTILABIAL adj. labiodental.
NONMICROBIALnonmicrobial adj. Not microbial.
NONMICROBIAL adj. not microbial.
ANTIMICROBIALantimicrobial adj. (Pharmacology) tending to destroy or capable of destroying microbes.
antimicrobial adj. (Pharmacology) inhibiting the growth of microbes.
antimicrobial adj. (Pharmacology) preventing or counteracting the pathogenic action of microbes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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