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There are 13 nine-letter words ending with BAND

BELLYBANDbellyband n. (Equestrianism) A strap around the belly of a horse or other draft animal used to secure a saddle or…
bellyband n. (Fashion, medicine) Various constrictive bands worn around the belly, particularly…
bellyband n. (Nautical) A band of canvas used to strengthen a sail.
BLACKBANDblackband n. (Mineralogy) An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter, valuable as an iron ore.
BLACKBAND n. iron ore containing enough coal to calcine it.
BROADBANDbroadband adj. (Telecommunications) Of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies.
broadband n. (Telecommunications) A wide band of electromagnetic frequencies.
broadband n. (Internet) An internet connection provisioned over an existing service using alternate signal frequencies…
CROSSBANDcrossband n. A band going across something, especially…
crossband v. (Transitive) To arrange the layers of plywood so as to make their grains cross at right angles.
crossband adj. (Telecommunications) Receiving on one frequency band and transmitting on another.
MULTIBANDmultiband adj. Having or employing multiple bands, especially frequency bands.
MULTIBAND adj. having many bands.
POWERBANDpowerband n. The range of operating speeds under which an engine or motor is able to operate efficiently, defined…
POWERBAND n. the range of operating speeds under which an engine or motor is able to operate efficiently.
SHIRTBANDSHIRTBAND n. the neckband of a shirt.
SPACEBANDspaceband n. In a linotype machine, a kind of extensible wedge used to produce spaces of variable width in the text.
SPACEBAND n. a wedge for justifying the line in mediaeval typesetting.
SWEATBANDsweatband n. A band of fabric, inside the crown of a hat, designed to absorb perspiration.
sweatband n. A band of fabric worn around the wrist or head during sports to absorb perspiration.
SWEATBAND n. an absorbent wristlet worn by e.g. tennis players to prevent sweat running down to their hands.
TRAINBANDtrainband n. (Now historical) A company of trained civilian militia operating in England and North America between…
TRAINBAND n. (historical) a band of citizens from the 16th to the 18th century trained to bear arms.
WAISTBANDwaistband n. A band of fabric encircling the waist, especially a part of a pair of pants or a skirt.
WAISTBAND n. the strip of fabric in a garment that fits round the waist.
WATCHBANDwatchband n. A band of leather, metal etc that fastens a wristwatch to the wrist; a watchstrap.
WATCHBAND n. a band on which a watch is worn.
WRISTBANDwristband n. The cuff of a sleeve that wraps around the wrist.
wristband n. A strip of material worn around the wrist, e.g. to absorb perspiration, especially in sports.
wristband n. A decorative band or bracelet that encircles the wearer’s wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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