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There are 4 words ending with BAB

KABABkabab n. Alternative form of kebab.
KABAB n. (Arabic) cubes of meat cooked on a skewer.
KABAB v. to cook on a skewer, also CABOB, KABOB, KEBAB, KEBOB.
KEBABkebab n. (Britain) A dish of pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables roasted on a skewer or spit, especially a doner kebab.
kebab n. (Australia) A hand-held dish consisting of pieces of meat roasted on an upright skewer mixed with fresh…
kebab n. (US) A shish kebab or any other food on a skewer.
BAOBABbaobab n. A tree, Adansonia digitata (and similar species), native to tropical Africa, having a broad swollen…
BAOBAB n. an African tree with an enormously thick trunk and large edible pulpy fruit.
JILBABjilbab n. A long, loose-fitting coat or similar garment worn by some Muslim women to fulfil hijab.
JILBAB n. (Arabic) a long robe worn by Muslim women.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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