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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 9 six-letter words ending with BI

COLOBICOLOBUS n. (Greek) a long-tailed monkey.
EPHEBIephebi n. Plural of ephebe.
EPHEBUS n. (Latin) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBOS.
INCUBIincubi n. Plural of incubus.
INCUBUS n. (Latin) an evil spirit that lies on women in their sleep.
JALEBIjalebi n. A sweet popular in the Indian subcontinent, made by deep-frying a maida flour batter and soaking it in sugar syrup.
JALEBI n. (Hindi) an Asian snack of deep-fried dough covered with syrup, also JALLEBI.
MARABImarabi n. A lively music genre from South Africa.
MARABI n. (South African) a kind of music popular in townships in the 1930s.
MAZHBIMazhbi n. Alternative form of Mazhabi.
MAZHBI n. (Hindi) a Sikh of low caste.
OUREBIourebi n. Alternative form of oribi (“type of antelope”) (Ourebia ourebi).
OUREBI n. (South African) an African antelope, also ORIBI.
RHOMBIrhombi n. Plural of rhombus.
rhombi- pref. (Geometry) Having four-sided faces.
RHOMBUS n. (Greek) a type of geometric figure, also RHOMB.
WASABIwasabi n. A pungent green Japanese condiment made from the plant Eutrema japonicum (syn. Wasabia japonica).
wasabi n. An imitation of this condiment made from horseradish with green dye.
WASABI n. (Japanese) horseradish, much used in Japanese cooking as a condiment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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