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List of words ending with

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There are 17 words ending with APPIEST

GAPPIESTgappiest adj. Superlative form of gappy: most gappy.
GAPPY adj. full of gaps.
HAPPIESThappiest adj. Superlative form of happy: most happy.
HAPPY adj. marked by joy.
NAPPIESTnappiest adj. Superlative form of nappy: most nappy.
NAPPY adj. of beer, having a head, frothy.
PAPPIESTpappiest adj. Superlative form of pappy: most pappy.
PAPPY adj. resembling pap.
SAPPIESTsappiest adj. Superlative form of sappy: most sappy.
SAPPY adj. full of sap.
YAPPIESTyappiest adj. Superlative form of yappy: most yappy.
YAPPY adj. given to yapping.
ZAPPIESTzappiest adj. Superlative form of zappy: most zappy.
ZAPPY adj. (slang) full of verve.
CRAPPIESTcrappiest adj. Superlative form of crappy: most crappy.
CRAPPY adj. inferior in quality.
FLAPPIESTflappiest adj. Superlative form of flappy: most flappy.
FLAPPY adj. flapping.
SNAPPIESTsnappiest adj. Superlative form of snappy: most snappy.
SNAPPY adj. bad-tempered.
TRAPPIESTtrappiest adj. Superlative form of trappy: most trappy.
TRAPPY adj. full of traps.
SCRAPPIESTscrappiest adj. Superlative form of scrappy: most scrappy.
SCRAPPY adj. fragmentary.
STRAPPIESTstrappiest adj. Superlative form of strappy: most strappy.
STRAPPY adj. having straps.
UNHAPPIESTunhappiest adj. Superlative form of unhappy: most unhappy.
UNHAPPY adj. not happy.
OVERHAPPIESTOVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
SLAPHAPPIESTslaphappiest adj. Superlative form of slaphappy: most slaphappy.
SLAPHAPPY adj. happy-go-lucky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 17 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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