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There are 17 words ending with ACTICAL

TACTICALtactical adj. Of or relating to tactics.
tactical adj. Of or relating to military operations that are smaller or more local than strategic ones.
tactical adj. Adroit, skilful or ingenious.
PRACTICALpractical adj. Relating to, or based on, practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis.
practical adj. Being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation; able to be put to use.
practical adj. Of a person, having skills or knowledge that are practical.
DIDACTICALdidactical adj. Didactic.
DIDACTICAL adj. designed or intended to teach, also DIDACTIC.
CLIMACTICALclimactical adj. Climactic.
CLIMACTICAL adj. relating to a climax, also CLIMACTIC.
GEOTACTICALGEOTACTICAL adj. relating to geotaxis, the response of an organism to gravity, also GEOTACTIC.
IMPRACTICALimpractical adj. Not practical; impracticable.
IMPRACTICAL adj. not practical.
NONTACTICALnontactical adj. Not tactical.
NONTACTICAL adj. not tactical.
STALACTICALstalactical adj. (Geology) stalactic.
STALACTICAL adj. like a stalactite, also STALACTITAL.
SYNTACTICALsyntactical adj. Syntactic, related to syntax.
SYNTACTICAL adj. relating to syntax, also SYNTACTIC.
UNPRACTICALunpractical adj. (Rare) Not practical, impractical.
UNPRACTICAL adj. not practical.
NONPRACTICALnonpractical adj. Not practical.
NONPRACTICAL adj. not practical.
PARATACTICALparatactical adj. Synonym of paratactic.
PARATACTICAL adj. of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis, also PARATACTIC.
PARALLACTICALparallactical adj. Alternative form of parallactic.
PARALLACTICAL adj. relating to parallax, also PARALLACTIC.
PHYLLOTACTICALPHYLLOTACTICAL adj. of or relating to phyllotaxis, the arrangement of leaves on the stem, also PHYLLOTACTIC.
STEREOTACTICALstereotactical adj. Stereotactic.
STEREOTACTICAL adj. involving or used in a surgical technique for directing the tip of a delicate instrument or beam of radiation using coordinates provided by medical imaging, also STEREOTACTIC.
ULTRAPRACTICALultrapractical adj. Extremely practical.
ULTRAPRACTICAL adj. extremely practical.
ANTICLIMACTICALanticlimactical adj. Alternative form of anticlimactic.
ANTICLIMACTICAL adj. of, relating to, or marked by anticlimax, also ANTICLIMACTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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