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There are 17 words ending with ACEABLE

DEFACEABLEdefaceable adj. Able to be defaced.
DEFACEABLE adj. that can be defaced.
DISPLACEABLEdisplaceable adj. Capable of being displaced.
DISPLACEABLE adj. capable of being displaced.
EFFACEABLEeffaceable adj. Capable of being effaced.
EFFACEABLE adj. that can be effaced.
EMBRACEABLEembraceable adj. Able or suitable to be embraced.
EMBRACEABLE adj. capable of being embraced.
FACEABLEfaceable adj. Capable of being faced (in various senses).
FACEABLE adj. able to be faced.
INEFFACEABLEineffaceable adj. Incapable of being effaced.
INEFFACEABLE adj. not effaceable.
IRREPLACEABLEirreplaceable adj. That cannot be replaced, especially because it is unique.
IRREPLACEABLE adj. not replaceable.
PEACEABLEpeaceable adj. Favouring peace rather than conflict; not aggressive, tending to avoid violence (Of people, actions etc.).
peaceable adj. Characterized by peace; peaceful, tranquil.
PEACEABLE adj. inclined to peace.
PLACEABLEplaceable adj. Capable of being placed.
placeable n. (Business) A jobseeker who is considered by an employment agency to be suitable for placement, but not…
placeable n. (Translation studies) In computer-aided translation, an element, such as a symbol or numeral, that is…
RACEABLEraceable adj. Able to be raced; suitable for racing.
RACEABLE adj. (of a racecourse) fit to be used for racing.
REPLACEABLEreplaceable adj. Capable of being replaced.
replaceable n. Anything that can be replaced.
REPLACEABLE adj. that can be replaced.
RETRACEABLEretraceable adj. Capable of being retraced.
RETRACEABLE adj. that can be retraced.
TRACEABLEtraceable adj. Capable of being traced; possible to track down.
TRACEABLE adj. that can be traced.
UNPEACEABLEunpeaceable adj. Not peaceable.
UNPEACEABLE adj. not peaceable.
UNPLACEABLEunplaceable adj. Not placeable; that cannot be placed.
UNREPLACEABLEunreplaceable adj. Irreplaceable.
UNREPLACEABLE adj. not replaceable.
UNTRACEABLEuntraceable adj. Not able to be traced or tracked down.
UNTRACEABLE adj. not traceable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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