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There are 16 words ending with AGONAL

AGONALagonal adj. Of or pertaining to struggle, competition or conflict; of or pertaining to an agon.
agonal adj. Of or pertaining to the pain of death.
AGONAL adj. relating to agon, the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work.
BRACHYDIAGONALbrachydiagonal n. The shorter of the diagonals in a rhombic prism.
brachydiagonal adj. Relating to the shorter diagonal, as of a rhombic prism.
BRACHYDIAGONAL n. in crystallography, the shorter lateral axis.
CLINODIAGONALclinodiagonal n. (Crystallography) That diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which makes an oblique angle…
clinodiagonal adj. Pertaining to, or in the direction of, such a diagonal.
CLINODIAGONAL n. in a monoclinic crystal, that lateral axis which is not perpendicular to the vertical axis.
DECAGONALdecagonal adj. Shaped like a decagon.
DECAGONAL adj. of a plane figure, having ten sides.
DIAGONALdiagonal adj. (Geometry) Joining two nonadjacent vertices (of a polygon or polyhedron).
diagonal adj. Having slanted or oblique lines or markings.
diagonal adj. Having a slanted or oblique direction.
DODECAGONALdodecagonal adj. Having twelve sides and twelve angles.
DODECAGONAL adj. like a dodecagon, a plane figure with twelve sides.
ENNEAGONALenneagonal adj. (Geometry) In the form of an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONAL adj. belonging to an enneagon; having nine angles.
HENDECAGONALhendecagonal adj. (Geometry) Having eleven sides and angles; similar to a hendecagon.
HENDECAGONAL adj. of or like a hendecagon, an eleven-sided polygon.
HEPTAGONALheptagonal adj. Having seven angles and sides.
heptagonal adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Belonging to the sequence generated by the formula (5𝑛2−3𝑛)/2.
HEPTAGONAL adj. having seven angles or sides.
HEXAGONALhexagonal adj. (Geometry) Having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon.
hexagonal adj. (Crystallography) Having three equal axes which cross at 60° angles, and an unequal axis which crosses…
HEXAGONAL adj. having six sides and six angles.
MACRODIAGONALmacrodiagonal n. The longer of two diagonals, as of a rhombic prism.
MACRODIAGONAL n. in crystallography, the longer lateral axis.
NONAGONALnonagonal adj. Having nine sides and nine angles.
NONAGONAL adj. with nine angles.
OCTAGONALoctagonal adj. (Geometry) Shaped like an octagon, in having eight sides and eight angles.
OCTAGONAL adj. having eight sides and eight angles.
ORTHODIAGONALorthodiagonal n. (Crystallography) The diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which is at right angles with…
ORTHODIAGONAL n. in a monoclinic crystal, that lateral axis which is perpendicular to the vertical axis.
PENTAGONALpentagonal adj. Of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon.
PENTAGONAL adj. having five corners or angles.
PENTAGONAL n. a pentagonal shape.
TETRAGONALtetragonal adj. Having four sides, like a tetragon.
tetragonal adj. (Crystallography) Having two equal axes and one unequal, and all angles 90°.
TETRAGONAL adj. of or pertaining to a tetragon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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