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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 18 eight-letter words ending with ASHING

ABASHINGabashing adj. Tending to abash; causing embarrassment or the loss of self-possession.
abashing v. Present participle of abash.
ABASH v. to strike with shame.
BLASHINGBLASH v. (Scots) to splash.
BRASHINGbrashing v. Present participle of brash.
BRASH v. (obsolete) to attack.
CLASHINGclashing v. Present participle of clash.
clashing n. A clash; the sound or action of clashing; violent collision.
clashing adj. Conflicting, contrasting, or contrary; inconsonant, incompatible, or irreconcilable.
CRASHINGcrashing v. Present participle of crash.
crashing n. The sound or action of something that crashes.
CRASHING adj. extreme, overwhelming, esp. in a crashing bore.
DEASHINGdeashing v. Present participle of deash.
DEASH v. to remove ash from.
FLASHINGflashing n. A sudden blazing or bursting, as of fire or water.
flashing n. (Roofing) Components used to weatherproof or seal roof system edges at perimeters, penetrations, walls…
flashing n. The process of getting rid of gaps on shelves by bringing products from the back of the shelf to the…
GNASHINGgnashing v. Present participle of gnash.
gnashing n. The action of something that is gnashed.
GNASHING adj. grinding.
LEASHINGleashing v. Present participle of leash.
LEASH v. to hold by a lead or thong.
PLASHINGplashing v. Present participle of plash.
plashing n. A sound that plashes, as of water.
plashing n. The cutting or bending and intertwining the branches of small trees, as in hedges.
QUASHINGquashing v. Present participle of quash.
quashing n. The action of quashing something.
QUASH v. to set aside or annul.
SHASHINGshashing v. Present participle of shash.
SHASH v. to provide with a sash.
SLASHINGslashing v. Present participle of slash.
slashing n. The action of something that slashes.
slashing n. (Forestry, in the plural) slash (woody debris).
SMASHINGsmashing adj. Serving to smash (something).
smashing adj. (Originally US, now Britain and Ireland) Wonderful, very good or impressive.
smashing n. Gerund: The action of the verb to smash.
SNASHINGsnashing v. Present participle of snash.
SNASH v. to talk abusively.
STASHINGstashing v. Present participle of stash.
STASH v. to store in a secret place.
SWASHINGswashing v. Present participle of swash.
swashing adj. Hectoring; swaggering.
swashing adj. Crushing; resounding.
TRASHINGtrashing v. Present participle of trash.
trashing n. The act by which something is trashed.
trashing n. (US) Dumpster diving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 17 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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