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There are 17 words ending with ATITE

APATITEapatite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium fluoride phosphate of variable composition, sometimes used in the manufacture…
APATITE n. a mineral, calcium fluoride phosphate, used as a fertilizer.
CARBONATITEcarbonatite n. (Geology) Any intrusive igneous rock having a majority of carbonate minerals.
CARBONATITE n. any igneous rock composed chiefly of carbonates rather than silicates.
ENSTATITEenstatite n. (Mineralogy) A form of pyroxene consisting solely of magnesium silicate.
ENSTATITE n. a mineral of the pyroxene group, a silicate of magnesia with some iron.
FLUORAPATITEfluorapatite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium halophosphate mineral, in which fluoride replaces the hydroxide of apatite, that…
FLUORAPATITE n. a mineral consisting of calcium phosphate fluoride, the most common form of apatite.
GONIATITEgoniatite n. Any member of the extinct Goniatitida, a taxonomic order of ammonites.
GONIATITE n. one of an extinct genus of fossil cephalopods, allied to the Ammonites.
HAEMATITEhaematite n. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of hematite.
hæmatite n. Alternative spelling of hematite.
HAEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HEMATITE.
HEMATITEhematite n. (Mineralogy) An iron ore, mainly peroxide of iron, Fe2O3.
HEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HAEMATITE.
HEPATITEhepatite n. (Mineralogy, dated) A variety of barite that emits a foetid odour when rubbed or heated.
HEPATITE n. a variety of barite emitting a fetid odor when rubbed or heated.
HYDROXYAPATITEhydroxyapatite n. A basic calcium phosphate mineral that is the principal inorganic constituent of bone and teeth.
HYDROXYAPATITE n. a complex phosphate of calcium that occurs as a mineral and is the chief structural element of vertebrate bone.
HYDROXYLAPATITEhydroxylapatite n. Alternative spelling of hydroxyapatite.
HYDROXYLAPATITE n. a mineral of the apatite group that is rare in the ground but is the principal inorganic constituent of tooth enamel and bone.
MICROPEGMATITEmicropegmatite n. (Mineralogy) A rock showing under the microscope the structure of pegmatite.
MICROPEGMATITE n. a microscopic intergrowth of quartz and feldspar.
MIGMATITEmigmatite n. (Geology) Any rock of mixed appearance, being an intimate mixture of granite and older rock, specifically…
MIGMATITE n. a type of rock containing igneous and metamorphic elements.
PEGMATITEpegmatite n. A coarsely crystalline igneous or plutonic rock composed primarily of feldspar and quartz, normally…
PEGMATITE n. a coarsely crystallized rock commonly occurring in igneous intrusions, esp. dykes, and consisting mainly of feldspar and quartz.
RATITEratite adj. Pertaining to the order Struthioniformes (as opposed to carinate).
ratite n. A bird of the order of Struthioniformes, a diverse group of large running, flightless birds, mostly…
RATITE n. a bird having a flat breastbone, such as ostrich, emu.
STEATITEsteatite n. (Mineralogy) soapstone.
STEATITE n. the massive talc that is used in paints, ceramics, and insulation.
SYNTAGMATITEsyntagmatite n. (Mineralogy) A basaltic variety of hornblende.
SYNTAGMATITE n. a kind of hornblende.
ZARATITEzaratite n. (Mineralogy) a hydrous basic nickel carbonate occurring in emerald-green incrustations or compact masses.
ZARATITE n. a mineral, a hydrous carbonate of nickel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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