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There are 12 words ending with AILLE

BRAILLEbraille n. A system of writing in which letters and some combinations of letters are represented by raised dots…
braille v. To write in, or convert into, the braille writing system.
braille v. (Informal, by extension) to identify something by touch.
CAILLECAILLE n. (French) in cooking, a quail.
CANAILLEcanaille n. (Countable, collective) The lowest class of people; the rabble; the vulgar.
canaille n. (Uncountable, Canada) Shorts or inferior flour.
CANAILLE n. (French) riffraff; the proletariat.
CIPAILLECIPAILLE n. (French) a pie with layers of meat and pastry, a traditional Quebec dish.
FAILLEfaille n. A fabric woven from silk, cotton, or rayon with slight ribs.
FAILLE n. (French) a shiny closely woven silk, cotton or rayon fabric.
GRISAILLEgrisaille n. (Art) In painting, a method of working which employs only varying values of gray to create form. Often…
grisaille n. A stained-glass window in this style.
GRISAILLE n. (French) a painting in tones of a single color, esp. gray, to represent objects in relief.
MITRAILLEmitraille n. (Military, historical) shot or bits of iron used sometimes in loading cannon.
MITRAILLE n. (French) shot or bits of iron used sometimes in loading cannon.
RASCAILLErascaille n. A rascal.
rascaille n. A rabble or mob.
RASCAILLE n. (archaic) an archaic form of rascal, in the sense of rabble.
ROCAILLErocaille n. Artificial rockwork made of rough stones and cement, as for gardens.
rocaille n. The rococo system of scroll ornament, based in part on the forms of shells and water-worn rocks.
rocaille n. A seed bead.
TAILLEtaille n. (Historical) A form of taxation levied on the land of peasants in pre-Revolutionary France.
taille n. (Music, obsolete) The tenor voice or part, especially the part for the tenor viol or viola.
TAILLE n. (historical) a tax levied by a French king or overlord on his subjects, or on lands held from or under him.
TENAILLEtenaille n. (Military, historical) An outwork in the main ditch of a fortification, in front of the curtain, between two bastions.
TENAILLE n. (French) an outwork in a main fortification ditch, also TENAIL.
TROUVAILLEtrouvaille n. A lucky find, a windfall.
TROUVAILLE n. (French) a fortunate find.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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