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There are 6 words ending with AGOGE

AGOGEagoge n. In ancient Greek music, tempo or pace; rhythmical movement.
agoge n. Melodic motion upward or downward by successive scale-steps: same as ductus in medieval music.
agoge n. (Historical) A rigorous training regimen for Spartan men in preparation for army service.
ANAGOGEanagoge n. The spiritual or mystical interpretation of a word or passage beyond the literal, allegorical or moral…
ANAGOGE n. (Greek) a mystical interpretation, also ANAGOGY.
APAGOGEapagoge n. (Logic) An indirect argument which proves a thing by showing the impossibility or absurdity of the contrary.
APAGOGE n. proving a point by exposing the absurdity of the opposite.
EPAGOGEepagoge n. (Logic) The adducing of particular examples so as to lead to a universal conclusion; the argument by induction.
EPAGOGE n. (Greek) argument by logical induction.
ISAGOGEisagoge n. An introduction, especially (particularly capitalized) Porphyry’s introduction to the works of Aristotle.
ISAGOGE n. (Greek) an academic introduction to a subject.
PARAGOGEparagoge n. (Grammar, prosody) The addition of a sound, syllable or letter to the end of a word, either through…
PARAGOGE n. the addition of a sound to the end of a word e.g. heighth for height, also PARAGOGUE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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