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There are 10 words ending with AGGLE

DAGGLEdaggle v. (Intransitive) To run, go, or trail oneself through water, mud, or slush; to draggle.
daggle v. (Transitive) To trail, so as to wet or befoul; to make wet and limp; to moisten.
DAGGLE v. to drag in mud.
GAGGLEgaggle n. (Collective) A group of geese when they are on the ground or on the water.
gaggle n. (By extension) Any group or gathering of related things.
gaggle v. To make a noise like a goose; to cackle.
HAGGLEhaggle v. (Intransitive) To argue for a better deal, especially over prices with a seller.
haggle v. (Transitive) To hack (cut crudely).
haggle v. To stick at small matters; to chaffer; to higgle.
RAGGLEraggle n. (Construction) A groove or slot, often cut in a masonry wall or other vertical surface, for inserting…
raggle n. A ragged piece.
raggle v. (Transitive) To notch irregularly.
WAGGLEwaggle v. (Transitive) To move (something) with short, quick motions; to wobble.
waggle v. (Intransitive) To reel, sway, or move from side to side; to move with a wagging motion; to waddle.
waggle n. A wobbling motion.
DRAGGLEdraggle v. To make, or to become, wet and muddy by dragging along the ground.
DRAGGLE v. to make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground.
SNAGGLEsnaggle n. A tangled, knotted, or intertwined mass.
snaggle n. A problem, particularly after orthopedic surgery.
snaggle v. To become tangled, knotted or intertwined.
BEDAGGLEbedaggle v. (Transitive) To daggle; to soil by dragging over wet ground.
BEDAGGLE v. to soil by dragging in the wet or dirt, also BEDRAGGLE.
STRAGGLEstraggle v. To stray, rove, or wander from a normal course and others of its kind.
straggle v. To act in a disorderly and irregular way.
straggle n. An irregular, spread-out group.
BEDRAGGLEbedraggle v. (Transitive) To make (something) wet and limp, especially by dragging it along the ground.
BEDRAGGLE v. to soil by dragging in the wet or dirt, also BEDAGGLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 18 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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