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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 17 eight-letter words ending with ADING

ABRADINGabrading v. Present participle of abrade.
ABRADE v. to wear away by friction.
ARCADINGarcading n. (Countable, architecture) An arrangement of arcades.
arcading n. (Uncountable, video games) The playing of arcade games.
ARCADING n. shops in an arcade.
AREADINGareading v. Present participle of aread.
AREAD v. (Spenser) to counsel, also AREDE, ARREEDE.
BEJADINGbejading v. Present participle of bejade.
BEJADE v. to tire out.
BREADINGbreading v. Present participle of bread.
breading n. The coating of a thin slice of meat in flour, egg and breadcrumbs prior to frying.
BREAD v. to cover with breadcrumbs.
DREADINGdreading v. Present participle of dread.
DREAD v. to fear greatly.
INVADINGinvading v. Present participle of invade.
INVADE v. to enter by military force.
KNEADINGkneading v. Present participle of knead.
kneading n. The process by which something is kneaded.
KNEAD v. to massage with the hands.
PARADINGparading v. Present participle of parade.
parading n. The act of one who parades.
PARADE v. to march in a public procession.
PLEADINGpleading n. The act of making a plea.
pleading n. (Law) A document filed in a lawsuit, particularly a document initiating litigation or responding to…
pleading v. Present participle of plead.
POMADINGpomading v. Present participle of pomade.
POMADE v. to apply a perfumed hair dressing to.
SALADINGsalading n. Vegetables or herbs to be used in a salad.
SALADING n. ingredients for a salad.
SHEADINGsheading n. Any of the six administrative districts into which the Isle of Man is divided.
SHEADING n. an administrative division on the Isle of Man.
STEADINGsteading n. A farmhouse and outer buildings such as barns, stables, cattle-sheds, etc.; a farmstead; a homestead…
steading v. Present participle of stead.
STEADING n. a small farm.
TREADINGtreading v. Present participle of tread.
treading n. The act of one who treads.
TREADING n. the act of treading.
UNFADINGunfading adj. Not fading; not losing its color or intensity, or being forgotten.
UNFADING adj. not fading.
UNLADINGunlading v. Present participle of unlade.
unlading n. The removal of cargo from a vessel.
UNLADING n. the act of unlading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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