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There are 12 six-letter words ending with ASTER

BASTERbaster n. One who bastes.
baster n. A tool for basting meat with fat or gravy.
Baster n. A member of an ethnic group comprising the descendants of Cape Colony Dutch and indigenous African women…
CASTERcaster n. Someone or something that casts.
caster n. A wheeled assembly attached to a larger object at its base to facilitate rolling. A caster usually consists…
caster n. A shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling condiments such as sugar, salt, pepper, etc.
EASTEReaster adj. (Now dialectal) Eastern.
easter adj. Comparative form of east: more east.
easter n. A strong easterly wind (a wind blowing from the east).
FASTERfaster adj. Comparative form of fast: more fast.
faster adv. Comparative form of fast: more fast.
faster n. One who fasts, or voluntarily refrains from eating.
GASTERgaster n. (Anatomy, rare) The stomach.
gaster n. (Zootomy, entomology) The enlarged part of the abdomen behind the petiole in hymenopterous insects (such as ants).
Gaster prop.n. A surname from German.
LASTERlaster n. A workman whose business it is to shape boots or shoes, or place leather smoothly, on lasts.
laster n. A tool for stretching leather on a last.
laster n. That which lasts or endures.
MASTERmaster n. Someone who has control over something or someone.
master n. The owner of an animal or slave.
master n. (Nautical) The captain of a merchant ship; a master mariner.
PASTERpaster n. One who, or that which, pastes.
paster n. A slip of paper, usually bearing a name, intended to be pasted by the voter, as a substitute, over another…
Paster prop.n. A surname.
RASTERraster n. (Electronics) A scanning pattern of parallel lines that form the display of an image projected on a…
raster n. (Computer graphics) A bitmap image, consisting of a grid of pixels, stored as a sequence of lines.
raster v. To scan in parallel lines.
TASTERtaster n. An object in which, or by which, food or drink is tasted, for example a dram cup.
taster n. Someone who tastes something, especially food, wine etc., for quality.
taster n. (Zoology) A kind of zooid situated on the polyp-stem of certain Siphonophorae, resembling the feeding…
VASTERvaster adj. Comparative form of vast: more vast.
VAST adj. huge.
WASTERwaster n. Someone or something that wastes; someone who squanders or spends extravagantly.
waster n. (Dialectal) An imperfection in the wick of a candle, causing it to waste.
waster n. A destroyer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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