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There are 12 six-letter words ending with APPER

CAPPERcapper n. A device or person that applies caps, as to bullets or bottles.
capper n. A person that makes or sells caps.
capper n. A finale; something that is conclusively better, or "caps it all off".
DAPPERdapper adj. Neat, trim.
dapper adj. Stylishly dressed, neatly dressed, spiffy.
dapper adj. Quick; little and active.
GAPPERgapper n. (Baseball) A ball hit through the regions between the outfielders.
gapper n. Someone who is on or has done a gap year, or a break from study.
GAPPER n. a person taking a year out between school and further education.
LAPPERlapper n. One who laps liquid, who takes liquid in with the tongue.
lapper n. (In combination) Something (especially a race) that has a stated number of laps.
lapper n. (Sports) A competitor who is one lap behind another, in the same race, and hence physically in front.
MAPPERmapper n. One who produces a map.
mapper n. (Video games) A designer of levels for video games.
mapper n. (Computing, electronics) A software or hardware component that performs a mapping.
NAPPERnapper n. A person who takes a nap.
napper n. (Slang) The head.
napper n. (Obsolete) A machine used to raise the nap on cloth.
RAPPERrapper n. One who, or that which, raps or knocks.
rapper n. (Music) A performer of rap music, or someone who raps in any form of music.
rapper n. (Obsolete, Scotland) A sword.
SAPPERsapper n. Historical term for a combat engineer that is still used in some armies, in other words an engineer…
sapper n. (Britain, colloquial) An officer or private of the Royal Engineers.
SAPPER n. a military engineer.
TAPPERtapper n. One who makes a tapping noise.
tapper n. A tap-dancer.
tapper n. A phone tapper or wiretapper.
WAPPERwapper v. (Transitive) To cause to shake.
wapper v. (Intransitive) To move tremulously, as from weakness; to totter.
WAPPER v. to cause to shake; to tremble; to totter.
YAPPERyapper n. (Slang) One’s mouth, especially of a gossipy person.
yapper n. One who yaps.
yapper n. (Slang) A dog, especially of a small breed.
ZAPPERzapper n. (Colloquial) A remote control for a television.
zapper n. (Colloquial) A device that electrifies or electrocutes.
zapper n. (Colloquial, figuratively, by extension) Anything that exterminates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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