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There are 15 ten-letter words ending with ATURE

ANTINATUREantinature adj. Opposing or destructive to nature, particularly in its sense as the material world and its nonhuman inhabitants.
ANTINATURE adj. against nature.
CALLIATURECALLIATURE n. an old term for a tropical dyewood, perhaps red-sanders, also CALIATOUR.
CARICATUREcaricature n. A pictorial representation of someone in which distinguishing features are exaggerated for comic effect.
caricature n. A grotesque misrepresentation.
caricature n. (Computing) In facial recognition systems, a face that has been modified to look less like the average…
COLORATUREcolorature n. (Music) An elaborate melody, particularly in vocal music and especially in operatic singing of the 18th…
COLORATURE n. a highly ornamented, virtuoso (musical passage); a singer, esp. soprano, of such music, also COLORATURA.
CRISPATUREcrispature n. The state of being crispate.
CRISPATURE n. a curling.
DISFEATUREdisfeature v. (Transitive) To deprive of features; to mar the features of.
DISFEATURE v. to deprive of features; to mar the features of, also DEFEATURE.
JUDICATUREjudicature n. The administration of justice by judges and courts; judicial process.
judicature n. The office or authority of a judge; jurisdiction.
judicature n. Judges collectively; a court or group of courts; the judiciary.
LITERATUREliterature n. The body of all written works.
literature n. The collected creative writing of a nation, people, group, or culture.
literature n. (Usually preceded by the) All the papers, treatises, etc. published in academic journals on a particular subject.
MACULATUREmaculature n. (Dated) Blotting paper.
maculature n. (Figuratively) Paper waste; printed materials that may not be read, such as junk mail.
MACULATURE n. blotting paper.
MISFEATUREmisfeature n. An undesirable or incorrect feature.
MISFEATURE v. a bad or distorted feature or trait.
NUNCIATUREnunciature n. The status or rank of a nuncio.
nunciature n. The building and staff of a nuncio; the equivalent of an embassy for the Holy See.
nunciature n. The term of service of a nuncio.
OVERMATUREovermature adj. Excessively mature.
OVERMATURE adj. excessively mature.
QUADRATUREquadrature n. The process of making something square; squaring.
quadrature n. (Mathematics) The act or process of constructing a square that has the same area as a given plane figure…
quadrature n. (Mathematics, numerical analysis) The calculation of a definite integral by numerical means.
TUBULATUREtubulature n. (Chemistry) A tubulure.
TUBULATURE n. tubes collectively.
USURPATUREusurpature n. (Archaic) Usurpation.
USURPATURE n. usurpation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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