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There are 17 words ending with ASAL

ABOMASALabomasal adj. Belonging to or involving the abomasum.
ABOMASAL adj. relating to the abomasum, the fourth of the four stomachs of a ruminant.
BASALbasal adj. Basic, elementary; relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin.
basal adj. (Anatomy) Associated with the base of an organism or structure.
basal adj. (Medicine) Of a minimal level that is necessary for maintaining the health or life of an organism.
INTRANASALintranasal adj. Within the nose.
intranasal adj. (Medicine) Taken through the nose.
INTRANASAL adj. lying within or administered by way of the nasal structure.
LABIONASALlabionasal adj. (Medicine) Labial and nasal; pertaining to both the upper lip and the nose, or to both lips and the nose.
LABIONASAL n. a sound produced with nose and closed lips.
NASALnasal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the nose or to the nasion.
nasal adj. (Phonetics) Having a sound imparted by means of the nose; and specifically, made by lowering the soft…
nasal adj. (Phonetics) Characterized by resonance in the nasal passage.
NONNASALnonnasal adj. Not nasal.
nonnasal n. (Phonetics) A sound that is not nasal.
NONNASAL adj. not nasal.
OMASALomasal adj. Relating to the omasum.
OMASAL adj. relating to the omasum, the third of the four stomachs of a ruminant.
ORINASALorinasal adj. Alternative form of oronasal.
ORINASAL adj. of or relating to the mouth and nose, also ORONASAL.
ORINASAL n. a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose.
ORONASALoronasal adj. Of or pertaining to the mouth and the nose.
ORONASAL adj. of or relating to the mouth and nose, also ORINASAL.
PHRASALphrasal adj. Referring to, or used in the manner of, a phrase.
phrasal adj. (Grammar) Consisting of multiple words, but behaving as a single part of speech.
PHRASAL adj. pertaining to a group of two or more associated words.
POSTNASALpostnasal adj. Of, pertaining to, or located near the posterior of the nasal cavity.
postnasal n. The posterior half of a divided nasal scale.
POSTNASAL adj. situated or occurring at the back of or behind the nose or nasal cavity.
PREBASALprebasal adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the base.
PREBASAL adj. situated in front of a base.
PRENASALprenasal adj. (Anatomy) Situated in front of the nose, or in front of the nasal chambers.
prenasal n. The anterior half of a divided nasal scale.
PRENASAL adj. situated in front of the nose, or in front of the nasal chambers.
SUBBASALsubbasal adj. (Zoology) Near the base.
SUBBASAL adj. below the base.
SUBNASALsubnasal adj. Located under the nose.
subnasal n. A scale located below the nasal scale.
SUBNASAL adj. situated under the nose.
VASALvasal adj. Relating to a vessel (of the body).
vasal n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of vassal.
vasal v. (Rare) Alternative spelling of vassal.
VOMERONASALvomeronasal adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or situated near the vomer bone between the nose and the mouth.
VOMERONASAL adj. relating to the vomer and the nasal cavity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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