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There are 16 words ending with ANUM

ARCANUMarcanum n. A mystery or deep secret.
arcanum n. An elixir or secret remedy.
ARCANUM n. (Latin) a secret; a mystery.
FANUMfanum n. (Historical) The site of an Ancient Roman temple or shrine.
FANUM n. (Latin) a cape worn by the pope, also FANO.
GALBANUMgalbanum n. A bitter, aromatic resin or gum, extracted from plants of the genus Ferula, that resembles assafoetida…
GALBANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin exuding from the stems of certain Asiatic umbelliferous plants.
GRANUMgranum n. (Biology) A stack-like structure in plant chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll; the site of photosynthesis.
granum n. (Obsolete, regional) One’s grandmother.
GRANUM n. (Latin) a part of a plant chloroplast.
KHANUMkhanum n. (Historical) An aristocratic lady in the Middle East or South Asia.
KHANUM n. (Turkish) a lady's title of rank in the Middle East.
LABDANUMlabdanum n. A sticky brown resin obtained from species of rockrose, used mainly in perfume.
LABDANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of Cistus, also LADANUM.
LADANUMladanum n. Alternative form of labdanum.
LADANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of Cistus, also LABDANUM.
LANTHANUMlanthanum n. (Uncountable) A chemical element (symbol La) with an atomic number of 57: a soft, ductile, silvery-white…
lanthanum n. (Countable) An atom of this element.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
LAUDANUMlaudanum n. A tincture of opium, once widely used for various medical purposes and as a recreational drug.
laudanum v. (Transitive) To add laudanum to (a drink or the like).
laudanum v. (Rare) To cause (a person) to be high on laudanum.
OLIBANUMolibanum n. A gum resin from trees of the genus Boswellia, formerly used as a medicine and now mainly as incense.
OLIBANUM n. an aromatic gum from a North African tree, formerly used in medicine but now chiefly as incense.
ORGANUMorganum n. (Music) A type of medieval polyphony which builds upon an existing plainsong.
organum n. (Archaic) A method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted.
ORGANUM n. (Latin) a method of philosophical or scientific investigation, also ORGANON.
ORIGANUMoriganum n. Any herbaceous plant of the genus Origanum.
Origanum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – herbs, including oregano and marjoram.
ORIGANUM n. wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGAN, ORIGANE.
SOLANUMsolanum n. (Botany) Any plant in the genus Solanum.
solanum n. (East Africa) A traditional green vegetable in the genus Solanum, specifically Solanum nigrum, and sometimes…
Solanum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – nightshades (sensu stricto); mostly poisonous, but…
TIMPANUMtimpanum n. (Anatomy) The eardrum.
timpanum n. (Anatomy) The middle ear.
timpanum n. (By extension) The diaphragm of a telephone.
TYMPANUMtympanum n. (Archaic) A drum.
tympanum n. (Anatomy, zootomy) Any of various anatomic structures in various animals with analogy to a drum head…
tympanum n. (Architecture) A vertical recessed triangular space between the sides of a pediment, typically decorated.
VERUMONTANUMverumontanum n. (Anatomy) An elevation or crest in the wall of the urethra where the seminal ducts enter it.
VERUMONTANUM n. a ridge on the male urethra where the duct conveying prostatic fluid, sperm and other fluids enters it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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