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There are 9 words ending with ANON

ANONanon adv. (Archaic) Straight away; at once.
anon adv. Soon; in a little while.
anon adv. At another time; then; again.
CANONcanon n. A generally accepted principle; a rule.
canon n. A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field.
canon n. The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic.
FANONfanon n. A vestment reserved only for the Pope for use during a pontifical Mass.
fanon n. Part of a bishop’s mitre. They are the tabs extending down from the mitre, often with a cross near the…
fanon n. A maniple.
GONFANONgonfanon n. Alternative form of gonfalon.
GONFANON n. (historical) a small flag or pennant immediately below the head of a knight's lance, also GONFALON.
LANTHANONLANTHANON n. any element of the lanthanide series.
OLECRANONolecranon n. (Anatomy) The bony process at the top of the ulna forming the point of the elbow.
OLECRANON n. (Greek) the projecting bone of the elbow.
ORGANONorganon n. A set of principles that are used in science or philosophy.
organon n. The name given by Aristotle’s followers to his six works on logic.
Organon prop.n. The standard collection of the works of Aristotelian logic.
SYNANONsynanon n. (Historical) A group meeting of the Synanon organization, a drug rehabilitation program that developed…
SYNANON n. a method of group therapy for drug addicts.
XOANONxoanon n. (Historical) A wooden statue used as a cult image in Ancient Greece.
XOANON n. (Greek) a primitive statue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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