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There are 18 words ending with ANAL

ANALanal adj. (Not comparable) of, related to, intended for or involving the anus.
anal adj. (Psychoanalysis) Of the stage in psychosexual development when the child’s interest is alleged to be…
anal adj. (Psychology) Of a person, compulsive and stubborn, obsessed with neatness and accuracy, supposedly from…
BANALbanal adj. Common in a boring way, to the point of being predictable; containing nothing new or fresh.
banal adj. (Uncommon, history) Relating to a type of feudal jurisdiction or service.
BANAL adj. flat and uninteresting.
CANALcanal n. An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.
canal n. (Anatomy) A tubular channel within the body.
canal n. (Astronomy) One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of…
FANALfanal n. (Archaic) A lighthouse, or the apparatus placed in it for giving light.
FANAL n. (archaic) a lighthouse, a beacon.
BIMANALbimanal adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to the Bimana.
BIMANAL adj. two-handed, also BIMANOUS.
DECANALdecanal adj. Pertaining to a dean or deanery.
decanal n. (Organic chemistry) The aliphatic aldehyde, CH3(CH2)8CHO, related to capric acid.
DECANAL adj. relating to a dean.
ETHANALethanal n. (Organic chemistry) acetaldehyde.
ETHANAL n. another name for acetaldehyde.
PREANALpreanal adj. Situated in front of, or measured from in front of, the anus; anterior to the anus.
pre-anal adj. Alternative form of preanal.
PREANAL adj. situated in front of the anus.
TETANALtetanal adj. Of, or relating to, tetanus.
TETANAL adj. relating to tetanus.
METHANALmethanal n. (Organic chemistry) The IUPAC name for formaldehyde, rarely used in research or industry.
METHANAL n. formaldehyde.
POSTANALpostanal adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind, or posterior to, the anus.
POSTANAL adj. situated behind the anus.
TYMPANALtympanal adj. (Medicine) tympanic.
tympanal n. The tympanic bone.
TYMPANAL adj. tympanic.
ARTISANALartisanal adj. Of or pertaining to artisans or the work of artisans.
artisanal adj. Involving skilled work, with comparatively little reliance on machinery.
artisanal adj. (Of an item, especially a foodstuff) Made by an artisan (skilled worker).
BACCHANALbacchanal adj. Relating to Bacchus or his festival.
bacchanal adj. Engaged in drunken revels; drunken and riotous or noisy.
bacchanal n. A devotee of Bacchus.
MEMBRANALmembranal adj. Of or pertaining to a membrane.
MEMBRANAL adj. of or like a membrane.
OLECRANALolecranal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the olecranon.
OLECRANAL adj. relating to the olecranon, the projecting bone of the elbow.
SUBDECANALsubdecanal adj. Of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
SUBDECANAL adj. of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
RURIDECANALruridecanal adj. Of or pertaining to a rural dean.
RURIDECANAL adj. concerning a rural dean and his jurisdiction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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